Chapter Six

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Twelve years earlier

Angels POV

"Do you know what I love about you?" I murmur into Charlie's ear wrapping my arm around her and pulling her into my chest.

"Hmmm" she replies thinking "my stunning good looks, my witty personality and the fact that I put up with you?"

Chuckling I spin her around "nah, it's your modesty" I reply sarcastically

Laughing she wraps her arms around my neck "Well someone has to compete with your ego"

"You two are disgusting" Johnny mutters

Charlie unwraps her arms from my neck and wraps them around Johnny's kissing him on the cheek "I'm sorry Johnny"

Wiggling out of Charlie's grip he playfully swats her arms away "give it up Charlie" he says laughing

"I will make you love me Johnny" she says chasing him trying to hug him again

"Alright you two" I call out laughing "I'm starving let's go get food"

All three of us pile into Coco's car, and head to Mays. Pulling into the parking lot I see Emily's car groaning I look at Charlie "any chance you don't want pancakes and we can go somewhere else?" I ask pleading

"Nope, plus you can't avoid your brother forever" she says climbing out of Coco's car

Catching Coco's eye he just shrugs lighting up a cigarette

"Don't even think about it Reyes" Charlie calls over her shoulder as she walks into Mays.

"So what happened this time with boy wonder?" Coco asks leaning against the hood taking a drag on his cigarette

"Same old shit" I reply leaning next to him "why can't you be more like Ezekiel?" I mimic my pops voice

"I'm sorry man" Coco says stubbing his cigarette out under his foot "we should probably head in before Charlie comes out and drags us in" he says offering me a small smile

Heading inside I see Charlie in our usual booth alone, scanning Mays I spot my brother and Emily at the opposite end of the diner, sliding into the booth next to Charlie I wrap my arm around her kissing her on the temple "thanks" I whisper in her ear, she doesn't reply she just rests her head on my shoulder.

"Does anyone else find it weird that May doesn't have menus?" Coco asks "Like she never actually asks you want she wants"

"Magic" Charlie says smiling

"Well you only ever want pancakes so your easy" I tell her

And just like magic May appears at our booth "hello my babies" she says warmly

"Hey May" all three of us reply

Sliding a huge stack of chocolate chip pancakes down to Charlie, she places a plate of chocolate waffles drowned in chocolate sauce in front of me and in front of Coco a giant bowl of chicken noodle soup with grilled cheese "For that cold you're fighting" she says rubbing his back

"You have a cold?" I ask Coco surprised

"Apparently" he replies tucking into his soup

We eat in silence, every now and then I glance down towards Ez and Emily, getting more annoyed by the minute.

Groaning Charlie pushes her plate to the middle of the table "I'm so full, please finish them" she says

"Nah I'm good" I reply stabbing my waffles

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