Chapter Nine

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Angels POV

Groaning I roll over, my head throbbing sitting up I look around realising I'm not in my own place "what the fuck" I mutter taking in the room. My eyes coming to a rest on the bedside table, a framed photo of Charlie, myself, Ez, Emily and Coco at homecoming catches my eye.

"Charlie" I mutter, sliding out of her bed I catch sight of my face in the mirror "fuck" I mutter touching my eyebrow the source of the throbbing.

Stumbling out into her lounge room I find it empty, but her blankets and pillow crumpled on the couch

"Charlie?" I call out my throat dry

There's no reply as I stumble into the kitchen, finding a bottle of water in the fridge I down it in two gulps, refilling it from the kitchen tap, I slowly sip it looking around her kitchen. I see a bunch of flowers on her kitchen table, heading over I open the card

'I know today is hard for you my baby girl and even though we are apart, I am with you in your heart' it reads

"Shit" I mutter under my breathe heading back into the lounge room looking for my boots, I can't find them anywhere. Heading back to the bedroom I pass the bathroom sticking my head in I see my boots next to the bathtub, slipping them on, I head back to the front door, opening it I don't see my bike.

I close the door locking it, heading back to Charlie's kitchen I check her key rack, spying the key to her bike I grab it heading out to the garage, I see two bike covers ripping off the first one I know it's Charlie's bike.

Opening the garage door I wheel it out, closing the door I climb on starting it up, it turns over straight away, I pull out of her driveway and start heading into town.

Twenty minutes later I pull up in the church car park spotting Charlie's car, I park her bike next to it, heading into the church it takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. I spot Charlie sitting in the middle pew. Heading down to her I slide in next to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and pulling her into me.

"I'm sorry, I forgot" I murmur into her hair

I feel her tears through my shirt "so did I, until the flowers were delivered, isn't that ridiculous?"

Smoothing her hair, I kiss her on the head "no, each year it gets easier but it doesn't hurt any less"

"Yeah, but have you ever forgotten the day your mom died?" she replies bitterly pushing off my chest

"Charlie, you've got a lot going on" I tell her trying to pull her back into me

"Jesus christ Angel, don't try and justify my shitty behaviour, plus what do you know about what I've got going on?" she asks me her eyes welling up with tears again

Suppressing a laugh I look at her "Did you just take the lord's name in vain in a church?" I ask her

"Shit" she mutters her hand flying up to her mouth

We both erupt into a fit of laughter "we have to leave" she says between laughs

Standing up I offer her my hand, her fingers entwined with mine we head outside. Spotting her bike "Seriously Angel?" she asks angrily

"I was trying to do the right thing" I reply sheepishly

"Oh yeah I'm sure" she says dropping my hand and wiping the tears off her face

"I really am sorry" I tell her

"Just get it back to my place in one piece, and I will take you to the clubhouse" she tells me climbing into her car

I follow Charlie home, pulling into the garage I head into the kitchen

"Did you call me an asshole last night?" I ask her throwing her the key

"Yes, multiple times" she replies turning the coffee machine on

Laughing I sit down at the kitchen table "I probably deserved it, but how did I end up here?" I ask her

"Johnny and Gilly" she says pouring the coffee into two mugs and grabbing the milk out of the fridge

She heads over to the kitchen table handing me a mug

"How did Coco know where you lived?" I ask puzzled

Fiddling with her mug "Because he's been here before" she replies taking a sip of her coffee

"Excuse me?" I reply anger welling up in my chest

"Not like that asshole" she replies rolling her eyes "I've been back here for 6 months"

That news sinks in and I'm shocked "then why am I only finding out now?" I ask the anger quickly replaced with hurt.

"Because I needed time Angel, and truthfully, I didn't know if I wanted to see you" she tells me finishing her coffee 

"What made you change your mind?" I ask her softly

"Emily" she says standing up and putting her mug in the sink

I gulp down the hot coffee in two sips, letting the liquid burn my insides, standing up I put my mug in the sink next to hers

"You should probably take me to the clubhouse" I tell her avoiding looking at her face

"Yeah I guess so" she says grabbing her keys and heading to the garage

This Hurts Like Hell - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now