Chapter Thirty-Six

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Angel's POV

"Jose Rodriguez?" the nurse calls out scanning the cramped waiting room "Jose Rodriguez?"

'Oh shit thats me' I say getting up, adjusting my cap pulling it over my face so no one recognises  me.

"It's okay Mr. Rodriguez this is a safe space, no one here is going to report you" the nurse says soothingly, as she leads me to an office down the back, I offer her a tight smile. We enter and she takes my vitals.

"Would you prefer your consult in Spanish?" she asks I just look at her, weary, too exhausted to answer.

"Uh, either I don't mind" I mutter.

"Alright, well come on through if you just wait in this room, the doctor will be with you shortly" she says heading back off to the waiting room.

I pull the brim of my cap down, and make sure the sleeve of my shirt covers all my tattoos, slouching further into the chair so she doesn't recognise me I wait.

"This is low even for you Reyes" her voice sharply projects across the room, somehow I fell asleep. Sarah walks around her desk placing a cup of coffee in front of me before sitting down.

"Well, you weren't returning my calls, or messages" I say shrugging taking a sip of the coffee, it's good she clearly got it from somewhere nearby, the coffee hits my system quickly pushing the sleep from my eyes.

"Did you ever think I had a good reason for not returning your calls?" she says gesturing to the huge pile of files on her desk. Looking at her hurts, she looks just like Charlie, just a little older. It's always been like that, they could have been twins in high school. Sarah still keeps her hair blonde, worn in a bob.

"'Given the fact that your daughter has been missing for two months I thought that might have been a top priority to answer my calls" I retort.

"How's your pregnant girlfriend?" she says taking a sip of her coffee "I imagine it's hard to get healthcare in her situation"

Shock washes over me, my insides turn cold and the room starts to spin "who told you?" I ask coldly.

"Look at what I do Angel, I'm no stupid. Everyone knows about how the rebel queen is pregnant" Sarah says "and well, my contacts told me it was yours congratulations" her voice sounds anything but congratulatory before I can respond she continues " and yes my daughter is missing, I am worried, but she is not dead that much I feel in my bones. I have had a sign that she is going to be okay" Sarah says taking a sip from her coffee "you on the other hand? Will you survive this storm?"

"I don't fucking know, I just want to find Charlie" I say slumping into the chair.

"Well Angel, she's not in my office to start with, but have you ever thought, maybe Charlie doesn't want to be found?" She asks giving me that look, the one only a mother can give.

"Go home Angel, get some sleep, talk to your brothers, actually talk to them, don't bullshit, go be with your pregnant girlfriend and try to forget about my daughter. She will find her way home when she wants too" Sarah tells me, she grabs a file off the top of the pile and starts reviewing it. I know I am dismissed.

I get up, pausing at the door "you know, mother's intuition or not I expected you of all people to be more worried that your daughter was missing and all that's left of her was a bloody stain the size of Texas on her bedroom floor" I coldly say before slamming the door behind me.

Walking out of the clinic I climb on my bike, and head out of Los Angeles, desperate to get home.

'Come on Charlie, where are you?' I whisper into the wind, a silent prayer, hoping just once the Gods will favour me and show me how to find my girl. 

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