Chapter Twenty-Four

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Angel's POV.

"What do you mean she wouldn't come?" I spit furiously to Coco.

"She's a cop Angel, what did you want me to do? Kidnap her?" Coco replies lighting up a cigarette.

"Yes, if that's what it took" I reply lighting my own cigarette up, rage rolling off me.

"Look, you need to get your head on straight, Charlie can take care of herself, she's gone into the station, she's just as safe there as she is here" Coco retorts taking a long drag.

Knowing Coco is right, I try to focus my rage, pushing it down "how was she?" I ask Coco desperate for anything.

"Ask me again when all this over" he says finishing his cigarette and flicking it into the dirt as he walks towards the clubhouse, I follow him in.

Taking my seat at Templo I look around the table to my brothers, I say a silent prayer that we survive this war.

Bishop takes his seat at the head of the table as the room falls silent.

"Galindo wants us to make this run tonight and he is expecting trouble. Four of his routes with the rebels have been jacked and he doesn't know who it is. According to the rebels they show up on motorcycles, kill the driver and take the guns. According to the Sons, the guns being jacked are being sold to the Irish in Boston and they are trying to move into Los Angeles turf"

"Don't the Sons get their guns from the Irish? Why would they need more guns?" Gilly pipes up.

"Sons get their guns from IRA Irish, Boston Irish are more gang than IRA" Bishop says "so we need to figure out how they are getting their hands on Galindo's guns" Bishop rubs his temples before turning and nodding at Tranq.

Tranq runs through the route we will be taking tonight, "Kuttes need to be left behind, we don't want to draw any unnecessary attention that might spook these guys" Tranq tells us before Bishop adjourns us.

Heading out into the clubhouse Bishop makes an announcement to all the family members, I watch as Coco heads over to Letty, hugging her close.

Looking around the room, I realise I have no one to say final goodbyes too, no one to tell me to come home or be safe. Ez slides up beside me, I can feel his eyes studying my face.

"What boy wonder?" I ask an edge to my voice.

"Nothing, just wanted to make sure you were okay" he asks.

"Yeah I'm fine" I reply reaching into my kutte lighting a cigarette up as Bishop runs through the rules of lockdown.

Nodding to Letty and Coco I head outside, starting my bike up and placing my kutte in my saddlebag. I say a silent prayer to my mother asking her to keep me safe.

Taza and Riz would be staying behind to make sure the clubhouse is secure.

Once Bishop exits the clubhouse and makes his way over to his bike, we start to roll out.

We'd been riding for hours, the cool night air clearing my head as I start to form an apology for Charlie, some way to fix my mistakes. We were maybe twenty minutes out from the drop point, with no sign of trouble when I hear a rumble of motorcycles coming down the opposite side of the highway. Moving towards the centre line I look towards them, their bikes were all black, and riders were also dressed in black, but they definitely rode like an M.C. Bishop noticed them at the same time and everyone was on high alert.

Before I could comprehend what was going on a van smashed into the truck carrying Galindo's guns, causing it to almost take us and the other M.C out.

"Fuck" I mutter swerving off the road, along with the rest of the Mayans, dismounting my bike I pull my gun out of my jeans and race over to the truck, Coco right behind me.

A figure dressed head to toe in black steps out in front of me pointing an AK-47 at my head "Don't even think about it" the voice firm but with a feminine undertone "on the ground"

Pointing my gun I take the risk shooting in the middle of the chest, the owner of the AK stumbles back before firing a warning shot at me.

"I'm not kidding, on the ground, drop your weapons" the voice demands as a second body joins them.

Coco, Gilly, Ez, Bishop and I kneel tossing our guns in the dirt.

"Good boys" the second voice says clearly female as she approaches us, patting us down and smashing our phones. She takes Zip Ties out of her jacket and secures our hands behind our heads then grabs our guns.

"Do you fucking know who you are stealing from?" Bishop spits.

"Galindo won't miss it" the original voice says, this time the feminine undertone slightly more prominent as she looks around making sure her crew has emptied out the load.

Once the guns had been loaded onto a new truck, she slowly makes her way back to her bike as we watch them ride off with the load.

Once I can no longer hear the rumble of their bikes I stand up trying to find something to loosen or break the zip ties with. "Fuck" I groan, coming up short.

A moment later I hear a bike approaching, looking down the highway I recognise Tranq's bike with a black SVU following behind him.

"Need a hand boys?" he asks pulling up in the dirt next to us.

"Yeah that would be great" I say confused.

Tranq cuts all our zip ties off and him and Bishop approach the black SVU, Galindo's head goon steps out.

"Everything go to plan?" he asks looking over Bishop's shoulder to us.

"Yeah, everything went to plan" Bishop replies, his voice giving nothing away.

"Perfect, Galindo will meet you at the casino in the morning" he says climbing back into the SVU without saying another word, he pulls back onto the highway heading back towards Santo Padre.

"What the fuck is going on?" I exclaim.

"I'll explain back at the clubhouse" Bishop says heading back towards his bike.

Looking back towards Ez, Coco and Gilly they just shrug and follow Bishop back to the bikes.

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