Chapter Thirty Three

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Angel's POV

"Hey" I say lighting up a cigarette and walking further away from the house nodding to a few of the other rebels as I walk into the orchard.

"Yo, how's it going down there" Coco's voice crackles down the line.

"Yeah its good, supply packs are good, people are glad to be getting them, we are just setting up for plan b" I tell him, making sure I am out of earshot from everyone else "how's everything there?"

"Not great, Bishop gone to ground, no one can reach him and no one knows why and I haven't seen Charlie in a couple of days" Coco blurts out.

"What" I practically yell.

"She hasn't come out and done a perimeter sweep" he tells me, I can hear him taking a long drag on his cigarette.

"How long since you last saw her?" I ask gritting my teeth, ready to punch him.

"Three days"

"Three fucking days and you're only telling me know?" I shout down the phone, a group of birds fly out of the surrounding trees.

"Chill dude, her phone is still pinging inside the house, her car is still in the driveway and the house is locked up, she hasn't left" Coco tries to reassure me.

"Coco, if Charlie wanted to get out, she would make it look like she was still home. I don't care how you do it, get in that fucking house you hear me? And if she's hurt, I'll put a fucking bullet between your eyes"

"Jesus fucking christ you all need to chill on the dramatics, I'll get boy scout and go check it out alright?" he tells me.

"Yeah you do that, call me back as soon as you know something" I say hanging up.

Finishing my cigarette I storm up to the house, heading back inside, Adelita stops me in the doorway.

"You okay?" she asks me concerned "mouse heard you yelling in the orchard"

"Yeah" I say kissing her forehead "just some club shit, sorry didn't mean to scare her"

"Anything I can do to help?" she says looking up at me.

"Nah, I gotta figure this one out for myself" I tell her "you should be resting, what can I do for you?" I ask her leading her to our bedroom, trying to get her to rest.

Coco's POV

"Come on boy scout we got some recon to do" I say nodding towards our bikes, climbing on I put my helmet on and start backing out of the scrapyard a moment later I am out on the road wind in my hair. A few moments later Ez is behind me following me the back roads to Charlie's. I pull into the driveway of an empty house a few blocks away, I have been using this place since Charlie's Mayan's ban on her property. Turning off my bike, I stash my kutte in my saddlebag and pull on a hoodie throwing a spare one to Ez not wanting to attract the attention of any neighbours that may be home.

"Do I want to know what we are doing?" Ez asks as we start walking towards Charlie's

"Yeah we are just checking in on an old friend, now keep your eyes open for anything that doesn't belong" I tell him.

"You mean like us?" he retorts.

"Yeah smartass" I tell him, shoving him to the otherside of the path.

We arrive at Charlie's without seeing anyone, I quickly jump her back fence, opening the gate and letting Ez in. Her backdoor is an easy lock to pick and its not long before we are inside.

"Charlie?" I call out "its Johnny and Ez"

We get no response, Ez looks at me worried. He heads towards the kitchen and garage while I head towards her bedroom. Checking the spare room where I know she had Sabella I see the room is a mess, blood stained sheets thrown across the floor with a trail of blood leading towards the door.

"Fuck" I mutter as I race to Charlie's room, a trail of blood getting thicker as I get closer.

"Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck" I mutter as I enter Charlie's room, a huge puddle of blood in the middle of the floor along with a second smaller puddle of blood to the left hand side.

"Shit" Ez says coming up behind me.

"What the fuck are we going to do?" he asks peering at me out of the corner of his eye.

"I don't know boy scout, I don't know" I reply shaking my head "any chance you want to tell your brother?"

Angel's POV

I spend the next few hours a nervous bundle of energy, waiting for Coco's call, when it finally comes I almost hang up on him.

"Whatsgoingon?" I race to get out.

"It doesn't look good" Coco starts.

"What the fuck does that mean?" I hiss.

"Her house was empty, and there's blood everywhere, a lot of blood, I'm sorry Angel. I've called every hospital, doctor and off the books centre, no one has seen her. I even reached out to Frankie and her mom nothing"

I hang up on Coco shaking. I grab my kutte and keys heading out to my bike I don't think I just get on my bike and head back to Santo Padre to find Charlie.

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