Chapter Thirty-eight

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Angel's POV

"Alright, get your sorry asses out of my sight" Tranq says after tonight's run, exhaustion from being cramped in the back of the van for thirty-six hours with Coco and Creeper is setting in and I'm desperate for a shower, beer and my bed.

"Not you Reyes" Tranq says monitoring for me to stay, sighing I turn back, leaning on one of the workbenches in the dress shop, pulling out my smokes, I light one up, watching Tranq lazily.

He waits for everyone to leave before moving closer to me "Bish wants you on another run tonight, this one will take a few days, go home, shower and back a bag, I will pick you up at yours in thirty"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I groan "I've been on three runs this month, I'm fucking wrecked, why can't one of the others do it?" I know I'm whining like a little kid but I don't give a shit, I've barely had any time to figure out shit Adelita or look for Charlie.

Tranq clips me over the ear "stop being a fucking child Angel, you got responsibilities, start fucking acting like it" he says walking over to the van and climbing in.

Stubbing my smoke out, I watch as the van pulls out of the warehouse, shaking my head I pull out my phone

'Heading on another run, this one will be a few days, see you when I get back' I text Adelita, I head out to my bike and do as Tranq says like a good little boy.

Thirty minutes later I'm throwing my duffle bag into the back of the van and climbing into the passenger seat.

"Just us?" I say checking my street for bikes.

"Yeah, so don't be texting your brother, Coco or Gilly about this, actually give me your phone" he says holding his hand out.

"Uh" I stammer trying to think of an excuse not to give it to him, but I know there is no point, sliding my phone out of my pocket I put it in Tranq's hand, he pulls the battery out shoving it in the door and slipping my phone in his kutte pocket.

"Get comfortable we've got a long drive" he says pulling out of my street and pressing play on the CD player the familiar sounds of his worn Pink Floyd CD fill the van, groaning internally I adjust the chair, leaning back letting my mind wander to thoughts of Charlie, trying to piece together her last few days.

"Here I made you coffee" tranq says handing me a travel cup.

"Thanks" I say, taking a sip, the bitterness burning my tongue, it's not Tranq's usual strength but it still tastes like garbage, I take another mouthful before placing it in the centre console.

Slowly my head begins to feel heavy, and my brain feels like it is full of cotton wool, I look over at Tranq and he just gently pushes me back into my seat.

"It's okay brother, we will be there soon" he tells me soothing.

My mind drifts off to disjointed dreams of Charlie and Adelita, and then nothing.

"Wake up, we're here" Tranq's voice fills my ears as his elbow catches me in the ribs.

"Ow" I groan sitting up trying to stretch the kink out of my neck and shake the grogginess out of my mind. Looking out the windshield of the van I see a simple log cabin, it looks to be mid-morning and it's already growing warm. The forest surrounding the cabin is tall redwoods, I have no idea where we are and I don't remember anything from the night before.

I look over at Tranq, but he's already out of the van and heading towards the house.

"Leave the bags" he says waving for me to follow, untangling myself from the seat I limp after him, I hope this place has a hot shower and a bed, the van isn't made for sleeping in.

When I get to the door, I realise there is no door handle, before I can say anything I hear a soft click and the door swings open, there stands Bishop.

Tranq steps forward embracing him "brother" he says clapping him on the back.

"Am I glad to see you guys" Bish says as Tranq pulls away, looking at me I step forward, ignoring his open arms, anger clearly written across my face.

"Someone want to tell me what the fuck is going on?" I ask.

Bishop gestures to the left, and Tranq and I follow, we walk into an open kitchen, Tranq heads over to a booth built into the window, sliding in, I follow him.

Bishop joins us a moment later, handing us each a beer.

Taking a swing, he looks at Tranq, Tranq just shrugs.

"I have some things I needed to take care of, but now I'm needed back home, so you and Tranq are going to stay here and take care of the cabin for me until I can figure shit out" he says.

"So we're just supposed to hangout in this creepy cabin, what's here?" I ask taking a big swing from my beer.

"Something priceless" Bishop answers, before he can continue the backdoor opens behind me, and a familiar smell of jasmine and something else hits me, before I know what I'm doing I'm on my feet, turning around there she is, Charlie.

She's so pale, and skinny, she's using a cane to walk, and she has bandages on her legs and her arm. Nothing else in this world matters, I found her.

"Charlie" I croak, it's been three months since I last saw her.

She looks confused as she looks between Bishop and me, stepping towards me, her face changes to something I don't recognise, and then I feel it, her hand connects with my face the sharp sting of her slap causing my brain to rattle around in my head.

"You lying, cheating son of a bitch" she says, turning on her heel and limping away leaving me in the kitchen.

"Well this will be interesting" I hear Tranq mutter behind me.  

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