Chapter two

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Pulling into a spot right outside Mays I look over at Angel peacefully asleep and snoring in my passenger seat, leaning over I pinch his nostrils closed counting slowly in my head 'one, two, three'

Angel jerks awake gasping for breath glaring at me "why do you do that?" He asks swatting my hand away

"I hate the sound of you snoring" I reply taking the keys out of the ignition and climbing out of the car "grab my purse" I tell Angel as he climbs out

Walking into Mays I'm hit with the familiar smell of coffee and bacon, laced with a smell we could never figure out, seeing us enter May slips out from behind the counter wrapping Angel up in a hug, the best she can for her 5 foot nothing frame

Poking his side "When was the last you ate? I will fix you a plate, go sit" she commands him, turning to look at me

"Here I was thinking I was going to have to die before I saw you again Missy" May says warmly wrapping her arms around me "it's good to have you home" smoothing my hair she pushes me towards Angel

"Sit, I will bring you food" she calls out heading back to the kitchen

"Please explain to me how that woman was at least 100 years old when we were in high school and she's still alive and working?" I furiously whisper to Angel as we head to our old booth

"Coco is convinced she's a God and will outlive us all" he says sliding into the booth

Laughing I slide in across from him "That wouldn't surprise me" I say a silence falls betweens us.

I start to fiddle with the coffee cup in front of me the memory of the last time I was in this diner tugging at my mind

"Do you remember the last time we were here together?" Angel asks me softly

"Get of my head Reyes" I reply looking at him "I was just thinking of that"

A waitress comes over pouring us both coffee, knowing that May had sorted out our food already she leaves after she finishes pouring

"Do you remember Senior homecoming?" I ask a smile on my face

Laughing Angel takes a sip of his coffee "Emily's dress still haunts my nightmares" he replies

"So much tulle" I reply laughing

"You know she's married to a Galindo now?" he says putting his cup down his voice growing serious

"Yeah, I know" I reply looking into my cup

"Please tell me you're not still friends with her?" he asks

Sighing I look up seeing annoyance on his face "Yes Angel I am, she's one of my best friends"

"After everything she put Ez through?" he retorts

"Ez didn't help himself in that situation, and their relationship has nothing to do with us" I tell him

May arrives carrying a plate stacked high with her famous chocolate chip pancakes, placing it down in front of me she puts a plate full of eggs, bacon, toast and waffles in front of Angel

"Eat up my babes" she says warmly walking off

"God I've missed these pancakes" I say drowning the stack in syrup

"Do you want a straw? You know you could just drink the syrup it would be less of a waste" Angel says watching me with disgust

Ignoring him I cut the stack into 4 perfect triangles, sticking my fork into the first half I shove it in my mouth savouring the taste of Mays perfect pancakes.

We eat in silence for a little while, the earlier conversation of Emily forgotten for now

"So why are you back in town?" Angel asks me with a mouthful of food

Swallowing my pancakes I look at him "I know your mamma raised you better than that Reyes, don't talk with your mouthful" I tell him

Rolling his eyes he swallows the piece of toast in his mouth reaching over and stealing some of my pancakes he repeats the question "So why are you back in town?"

My left hand rubs my shoulder, a subconscious nervous habit I've developed

"I guess you were right, I wasn't cut out for the big city life" I reply dropping my hand when I realise Angel is watching me closely

Swirling the last piece of my pancakes around my plate "I should probably get you back home or to the clubhouse" I tell him grabbing cash out of my purse and leaving it on the table

Angel follows me out to the car in silence "I never meant what I said that day" he says softly as we climb in

"Yeah well that makes one of us" I reply starting the engine 

This Hurts Like Hell - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now