Chapter Fourteen

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"Cooper" Frankie calls out across the floor signalling that he wants to see me in his office.

"What's up Frankie?" I ask sliding into the chair across from his desk

"I had some interesting phone calls from the Reyes brothers yesterday" he says

"About what?" I ask puzzled

"Both of their places were vandalised" he says pointedly

"Really? What happened?" I ask feigning surprise

"You're a terrible liar" he says smirking leaning back in his chair

"I seriously don't know what you're talking about Frankie" I tell him

"Just lay off the mimosas at brunch next time" he says waving me out of his office

Heading back onto the floor I collapse in my chair pulling my pile of paperwork in front of me opening the first file I sigh.

Three days later

Unlocking my door I stumble inside, dumping my bag and keys I lock the door behind me. Kicking my boots off I leave a trail of clothes behind me as I head into my bathroom, climbing under the hot spray of the shower I let out a soft moan.

After working two doubles in a row with barely any sleep I am desperate to wash my hair and climb into bed.

Rinsing the conditioner out of my hair I hear a banging at my door, jumping out of the shower I wrap a towel around me, tiptoeing out to the front door I grab my gun off the table. Peaking through the peephole I see Angel standing there about to pound on my door again.

Unlocking and flinging the door open "Can you not bang so loud? The neighbours will hear" I say

"What are they going to do? Call the cops?" he replies smirking at me

"What do you want Angel?" I ask putting my gun back on the table

"Just thought I'd check in, see how you were going" he says walking inside kicking his boots off

"No, please Angel come in make yourself at home" I tell him sarcastically

"Thanks" he says flopping down on my couch

Rolling my eyes I shut the door locking it, I start to head down the hallway

"Where are you going?" Angel calls out

"To get dressed" I say walking into my bedroom

"I prefer you in what you're wearing" Angel replies

Pulling on a pair of pyjama pants and a tank top, I head back out to Angel

"Beer?" I ask walking past him to the kitchen

"Please" he calls out after me

Grabbing a beer and a bottle of wine out of the fridge, I grab a wine glass and head back into Angel.

"Move" I say flopping down on his legs

"Urgh" he groans spreading his legs so one is behind my back the other on the floor

"Classy" I say handing him the beer and putting my legs up on the coffee table

"I'm not moving, so you can sit somewhere else" he mutters

Pouring myself a glass of wine I put the bottle on the side table, taking a long sip from the glass I rest my head on the back of the couch.

"How was work?" Angel asks

"Long, I just did two doubles" I tell him

"Yeah I know" he says before he can continue there's a knock at the door.

"It's pizza, I ordered it before I got here" he says getting up

Angel pays the pizza guy heading back to the couch he hands me a slice

"How did you even know I was home?" I ask taking a bite
"I had one of the guys at the station text me to tell me you were leaving" he says devouring a slice in two bites

"why?" I ask puzzled

"Just wanted to check in with you, make sure you were okay" he replies shrugging

"I don't buy it Angel, what's going on?" I say reaching for another slice

"There's some shit going down with the M.C, I wanted to check in" he tells me

"Frankie didn't mention anything" I reply

"Frankie doesn't know" he retorts

"Anything I need to worry about?" I ask

"Nah" he says taking a swing of his beer, draining it he gets up heading to the kitchen

Returning a few minutes later with a new beer and a second bottle

"Planning on staying while?" I ask him yawning

"Yeah figured we could watch a movie or some shit" he says sitting back down

"Angel what are you doing?" I ask softly

"I just want to be with you right now" he replies taking the wine glass out of my hand putting it on the table, he lays back on the couch pulling me onto his chest, my back against him.

He reaches for the remote turning Netflix on "Any preference?" he asks

"Something funny" I say

Angel flicks through Netflix until he hits play on Sweet Home Alabama laughing I look up at him

"Really?" I ask

"Yeah I know you love this movie" he says his fingers playing with my hair

Leaning back I close my eyes as the opening scene starts, Angel's heartbeat soothing me, my eyes start to grow heavy and I'm asleep before the proposal scene even finishes.

This Hurts Like Hell - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now