Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Angels POV

Pulling into Charlie's street I see her jeep parked in the driveway and her lights on, parking my bike behind her car I climb off grabbing the Tupperware container of leftovers Pops made for her out of my saddle bag.

Walking up her porch steps I knock on the door, a moment later there she is looking a little sheepishly at me

"I thought you were working tonight?" I ask

Stepping back from the door she motions for me to come in, I walk inside kicking my boots off, she heads off to the kitchen not answering me.

Following her I roll my eyes "Charlie, seriously am I that horrible to be around?" I ask her half joking

"Being in your house is hard without your mom" she says softly pulling two beers out of the fridge handing me one

I put the container down on the bench "You're telling me" I reply popping the top off the beer

She nods to the backdoor and I follow her outside, my eyes grow wide at her back deck, it's inclosed and there's a giant couch and lights everywhere. She flops down on the couch and I sit next to her.

"Why are you here Charlie?" I ask her avoiding her eyes

"I told you, I wasn't cut out for big city life" she replies taking a swing of her beer

"The club want to know more about you" I tell her

"Figured, what did you tell them?" she asks putting her beer on the table

"Your name and that you went to high school with Coco and I" I reply shrugging

"Is that it?" she asks softly

I just nod, finishing my beer and placing it down next to hers

"I'm not here to cause any trouble, or investigate the club" she says looking at her I realise she's rubbing her shoulder again "You of all people should know that"

"Should I? I haven't seen you in eight years, not one word Charlie" I say bitterly

"Whose fault is that Angel? Huh? You're the one who told me to leave" she replies her voice raised

"I didn't mean it" I tell her my voice cracking

"Yeah? Well it sure as hell felt like you did" she says leaning back in the couch her hand rubbing her shoulder harder now, a distant memory popping into my head.

Thirteen years ago

"Why do you rub your wrist like that?" Emily asks Charlie

"Huh?" Charlie replies looking up from the textbook open in front of her

Emily points to her wrist, Ez, Johnny and I watching the girls

"Oh" Charlie replies shrugging "soothes my anxiety, I have a scar there no big deal"

"What sort of scar?" Emily asks softly

Pulling her sleeve up Charlie shows Emily her wrist "I don't know, I got it as a baby I don't remember"

"What a weird scar" Emily comments examining Charlies wrist

Present Day

"What happened to your shoulder?" I ask her

"Don't change the subject Reyes" she says sighing dropping her hand

"That's the second time you've been stressed and rubbing your shoulder, don't think I don't know you" I tell her

"I got injured" she tells me, her hand rubbing her wrist "It's no big deal"

"I'm sorry" I tell her meaning it, after all this time I still hate seeing her in pain

We sit in a comfortable silence, I have no idea how long we've been sitting there, then I hear a soft snore out of Charlie, looking over at her I realise she's fallen asleep.

Smiling I grab the empty beer bottles off the table, taking them inside. Heading back out I pick her up, she snuggles into me a soft smile on her face.

Heading back inside I look around her small place, realising the bedroom is at the end of the hall I carry her down there, placing her gently on the bed and pulling the covers back, rolling her gently into them.

Leaning down I push the hair out of her face, kissing her softly on the forehead "sweet dreams Charlie" I whisper

I watch her snuggle into the covers and I head back down the hall, making sure I put pops leftovers in the fridge and turning all the lights off. Slipping my boots on I lock the front door behind me.

Straddling my bike I pull my phone out dialling Coco "Where are you?" I ask

"Vickie's" he replies slurring his words

"I'll be there soon" I reply hanging up, pulling my helmet on I take one last look at Charlie's place and turn my bike on, riding off to Vickie's. 

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