Chapter One

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"Angel Reyes, why am I not surprised to see you sitting in a cell?" I say a smirk on my face

Angel's eyes travel from the ground up, a look of confusion on his face as his eyes land on my name badge

"Charlie?" He asks surprise spreading across his face

"In the flesh" I reply leaning against the wall opposite his cell

"I always assumed you'd be in this cell next to me not wearing the uniform" he says smiling at me

"Yeah well, one of us had to clean up their act" I reply laughing

Angel rolls his eyes as I push off the wall dangling the keys to his cell in my hand

"Breakfast?" I ask opening the cell

"As long as your paying" He says exiting

"I'm paying but you've got to do me a favour" I reply

Angel turns facing me his eyebrow cocked

"I need you to sneak out the back door because Frankie told me I couldn't release you for a few more hours, apparently this is your second drunk and disorderly offence this month" I say shrugging

Groaning Angel heads towards the door, I fish my car keys out of my pocket, "it's the red Jeep and no you're not driving" I tell him as I hand him the keys

Checking the hallway is clear I lead Angel out of the holding cells and out the backdoor, heading back inside I grab his belongings bag which had kutte, wallet and phone off my desk, shoving it into my purse.

"Night" I say to Pete the day officer who come in to replace me "see you in a few hours" I smile as walking out the door

Heading out to my car I climb into the drivers side pulling Angels crap out of my purse and shoving my purse next to his legs

"Keys" I say holding my hand out

Angel places them in my palm, his fingers brushing over mine causing butterflies in my stomach

Starting up my car I look at him "Mays?" I ask

"Do I need to justify that with a response?" He asks giving me his trademark smirk

Laughing I pull out of the lot and as Angel throws his Kutte on my backseat

"Don't you have to wear that all the time?" I ask lightly keeping my eyes on the road

"I don't know, do I?" He asks I can feel him watching me intently

"How would I know, I'm not part of an M.C" I retort sneaking a look at him out of the corner of my eye

Snorting Angel tilts his head back into the headrest closing his eyes

"Whatever you say Charlie" he mutters

This Hurts Like Hell - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now