Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Charlie's POV

Nursing my third, or maybe my fourth glass of vodka I respond to Emily's text.

'Seriously, I am fine, I a little rattled and exhausted but I am fine'

Draining my glass I throw my phone on the couch, standing up I head to the kitchen for a refill on the way back a bang on my door startles me. Checking the peephole I barely make out two figures cloaked in black before one of them pounds again

"Amile Martìnez, open up" a female voice says commandingly.

Panic courses through my veins as I slowly open the door, I now see that they are both female, one of them is bleeding severely.

"Who are you?" I demand.

"I am Azara" she reaches down and pulls up the other womens jacket revealing the same scar as mine, "she told me if we ran into trouble to come to you" she replies shrugging.

"I don't know who she is" I reply frustrated and confused.

Azara looks down the street and steps into my house "Where is your bathroom?" she asks pulling the injured woman behind her.

"Uh, down the hall" I stammer pointing realising it's pointless to argue.

I quickly check that there is no one outside and lock my door behind me, I head into my kitchen grabbing whatever first aid supplies I can find, and my Five-seven I keep hidden under my sink, tucking it in the back of my jeans.

Heading down to the bathroom, I walk in to find blood everywhere, taking a better look at them both I realise they are wearing motorcycle kuttes Hijas De Muerte.

'Daughters of Death' I think to myself, 'great'

"How do you know who I am?" I ask her kneeling down next to bath gently cutting the layer of clothing away and washing away the blood to assess the wound I am detailing with.

"You'll have to ask her, she told me to bring her here" Azara replies curtly.

"Can you at least tell me her name?" I ask.

"Its Sabella" she replies.

"And who is Sabella to Hijas De Muerte?" I ask the wound is a deep bullet hole, one that I can't patch up, she's losing more blood than I can stop.

"Our President" Azara replies softly.

"Well Azara, your President is losing a lot of blood and this is a deep bullet hole that I can't patch up, you're going to need to take her to a hospital" I say standing up.

"No" Azara exclaims "I can't, I am St. of Arms and I have to go deal with this, you need to fix this. Do not take her to a hospital and do not let her die, do you understand me?" Azara tells me forcefully.

Before I can stop her she storms out of the bathroom, a moment later I hear my front door slam.

"Think Charlie, think" I mutter to myself, racing back out to my living room I grab my phone off my couch, dialing Angel it goes to voicemail.

"Shit" I curse, I quickly dial Johnny, he answers on the third ring.

"Hey are you at the clubhouse or with Angel?" I ask

"I am not with Angel but I am at the clubhouse why?" he asks concerned.

"Uhh i just need to speak to Bishop can you put him on?" I reply nervously.

"Sure" Johnny says suspiciously "sure you don't want me to help instead?"

"Nah, I need Bishop or Angel" I say "thanks though"

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