Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: This chapter contains smut, so NSFW, Over 18s ect ect. 

Pulling into my driveway I am surprised to see Angel's bike already parked there, checking the clock in my car its only 7:30pm.

Climbing out of my car, I grab my shopping bags off the backseat and head inside, dumping everything on the kitchen bench, I see Angel out on my back patio.

"Hey" I say leaning up against the doorframe.

"Hey" he replies turning around, I can see he's put a bunch of flowers in a vase and set the outdoor table with plates and napkins.

"You're a little early, also how did you get in?" I ask.

"Jumped the fence and picked the lock on the back door" he replies shrugging walking over to me he gives me a kiss on the forehead.

Rolling my eyes I walk back inside "well I need a shower, can you unpack the groceries?" I ask.

"Sure, do you want a drink?" he asks opening the fridge.

"Yeah wine please" I tell him.

I quickly shower and get changed, as I start to walk back to the kitchen I can smell dinner, walking out onto the back patio, I can see Angel unpacking the bag of chinese.

"Good timing" he says smiling at me.

Sitting down I load up my plate, leaning back on my outdoor couch, I start eating realising that I'm starving and this is the first thing I've eaten today.

We eat in silence, finishing my plate I put it on the table and grab my wine glass taking a sip I watch Angel.

"We need to talk" I say.

"Yeah I know" he replies sighing reaching for more food.

"What are we doing Angel?" I ask him "this is starting to get messy."

"I don't know Coop, you being back here, I can't help but be drawn to you, I want to be around you but my life is complicated" he says stabbing his lemon chicken.

"We need to set some boundaries Angel, we can't be friends if we keep slipping into old patterns" I reply softly.

Angel doesn't respond, he just takes a swing of his beer.

"You can't sleep on my couch anymore, and you can't just show up unannounced, you sure as hell cannot be asking someone at the station to be texting you when I leave work, and you either need to be honest with me about club shit or don't bring it to my door at all" I tell him.

Angel finishes eating, putting his plate on the table "that's fair" he mutters taking a swing of his beer emptying the bottle.

"Thank you" I reply, standing up I grab our plates off the table and head inside, rinsing them I put them in the dishwasher. I feel Angel behind me.

Turning around I almost collide with his chest "whoa" I reply laughing steading myself.

His face is serious as he looks down at me.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing" he mutters as his hand comes up cupping my cheek, he leans down gently pressing his lips to mine.

His kiss sends a ripple of electricity through me, his hand sliding through my hair as the other wraps around my waist pulling me into him.

Tilting my head up, I kiss him back, my body melting into his, my arms wrapped around his neck.

"Angel" I murmur against his lips.

"Mmmm" he responds, his fingers now sliding under my shirt tracing my lower back.

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