Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Angel's POV

"Shit, fuck, motherfucker" I curse as Coco pulls into the lot "what the fuck man?" I yell storming across the lot shoving him.

"What the fuck is your problem?" he spits pushing me back "you just fucking let Adelita set Charlie up and didn't fucking do anything"

"Charlie probably set the whole fucking thing up, you heard Adelita she's fucking the Irish guy" I retort clenching my fists.

"The guy she killed you fucking idiot, get your dick out of Adelita for one minute and realise she's trying to fuck with you and Charlie, you're lucky Galindo didn't fucking put a bullet in Charlie's head today" Coco spits anger written across his face.

"This isn't my fucking fault, Charlie is a big girl she made her bed" I reply.

"You'd do well to remember that" Coco replies before turning back to his bike, getting on it and pulling out of the yard.

"Motherfucker" I yell out after him, but my voice is drowned out by his bike. I turn punching the cage, the sting of skin splitting snapping me back to reality.

Grabbing my phone out of my pocket I quickly send a text;

'You free? I want to talk about today'

'Yeah, come over'

Her response comes through quickly, I fire off another text to Gilly;

'I gotta head out for a bit, cover for me with Bishop'

Jumping on my bike I let the ride calm me down and clear my head, by the time I arrive the blood on my hand has dried and crusted, I kill my bike climbing off, I take my helmet off, placing it on the handle bars. Brushing my hands off on my jeans I attempt to fix my hair.

Walking up the front steps the door opens before I can knock.

"Hey stranger" Adelita says smiling stepping out onto the porch, before I can reply, her hands are cupping my face as she kisses me.

"Luisa" I groan weakly resisting her kiss, and failing. She gently pushes me against the wall, our bodies entangling as our kiss becomes more passionate.

"Luisa?" a small voice asks from behind us, Luisa steps back adjusting herself before turning around.

"Hey little mouse" she says warmly "why don't you head inside and help with dinner?" she suggests as mouse nods, offering me a small smiling before darting inside.

"Why don't we go for a walk?" Luisa suggests nodding towards the grounds, nodding I follow her off the porch steps. We walk in silence for a few moments.

"I was surprised when you messaged me" she says quietly watching me out of the corner of her eye.

"Why?" I reply marvelling at how much the trees have changed since I was last here.

"It's been a little while and honestly, I suspected you would have picked her, but I can see you made the right choice" she replies reaching for my hand, entwining her fingers with mine.

We walk in silence for a bit longer before coming to a stop in the middle of the orchard, taking a seat on the ground, Luisa settles in between my legs like she use too, but it doesn't feel the same.

"Why did you do it?" I ask her.

"I just told Galindo the truth" she replies shrugging "he deserved to know".

"He could have killed her," I say annoyed.

"He didn't though" she replies her voice blank "can we please not discuss her anymore?"

We sit there in silence watching the sunset, but the end of the day brings no peace. I feel resentment and anger sitting under my skin.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, a message from Bishop pops up.

'We have a lead on our problem, need you back here now'

'On my way' I quickly reply

Sighing "I have to go" I say standing up and helping Luisa up.

We walk back to the house in silence and I don't say goodbye as I climb onto my bike and start the drive back, more confused than ever. 

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