Chapter Thirty

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Charlie's POV

I doze in and out of sleep most of the night, any noise startling me and making me grip my gun tighter. The moment the first rays of light filter through the blinds I call Frankie, telling him I've had a family emergency and I need to take a couple of weeks leave, he's not thrilled but he realised this must be bigger than anything I'm willing to share. After that I make a big pot of coffee, and do a perimeter sweep.

Checking my phone I see I have half a dozen missed calls from Johnny and two texts.

'Yo, can we talk? I don't care what shit is going on between you and Angel but I'm worried bout u'

'Don't ignore me Char, I know u, let me bring pancakes over and we can talk'

Sighing, I lean against the wall in my living room, knowing he's only reaching out because the club need him too.

'Don't bother, I'm peachy, what I told A & B last night extends to you too' I quickly reply. Heading back into the kitchen I pour a huge mug of coffee and go back to Sabella.

The next forty-eight hours passed in a blur, me just watching Sabella sleep and changing over her fluids, changing her bandages and administering pain medication. Johnny didn't stop blowing up my phone so I had to turn it off. I can't shake the feeling that I'm being watched, but everytime I do a sweep there's no one there and I'm too worried to go any further than my back porch in case anything happens to Sabella.

Curled up in the armchair in my spare room, I feel my eyes growing heavy.

"Azara" a soft grated voice mumbles into the darkened room, I almost don't hear it sitting up I flick the lamp on.

Sabella's eyes are open and she's trying to sit up, "stay still you'll rip your stitches" I whisper moving towards her. When she sees my face her eyes grow wide as she looks around.

"Water" she demands even in her weakened state I can feel the power radiating off her.

"Sure" I say heading out of the room and into the kitchen, grabbing a couple of bottles out of the fridge I head back to her. I adjust her pillows, helping her sit up and hand her the bottle of water.

Sitting back in the armchair I open a bottle of water taking a small sip, watching her closely.

"Where's Azara?" she asks.

"I don't know, she left with instructions to keep you alive and that was it," I tell her.

"How long ago was that?" she asks taking another slow slip of water.

"Almost three days ago" I reply.

Sabella sits there in silence letting the current situation sink in.

"Do you know who I am?" she asks me, turning to look at me.

"The President of Hijas De Muerte" I reply my voice projecting more courage than I feel.

"Do you know who I am to you Amile?" she asks a fire burning in her eyes.

"I don't know who you are, I've never seen you before in my life," I tell her, my eyes meeting hers.

"Then why did you let me into your house?" she challenges me.

Hesitating I rub my scar, cursing my nervous habit "I may not know you, but I know we are connected" I standing up "it's time for your antibiotics and pain medication" handing her the tablets she swallows them.

Watching me as I sit back down "do you want to know why I chose you?" she asks quietly.

"Sure why not" I reply flippantly.

"Because you are my sister, my own flesh and blood, and I knew you would protect me as I would protect you" she says drowsy, her eyes growing heavy as she drifts off to sleep.

Her words replay over and over in my head, shaking my head as I study her. There is no way we are related, Sabella is dark and wild while I am pale and dainty. We are the opposites of each other in every way. But I can't fall asleep, I stay awake watching her all night, studying her, the curve of her nose, the lines of her jaw. Looking for anything familiar, desperate to prove the voice in my head that says she's right, wrong but silence or sleep never comes.  

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