Chapter Three

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Angels POV

Walking into the scrapyard I see Coco, Gilly and Ez sitting at one of the picnic tables making my way over to them I sit down on the table stretching my legs out on the bench.

"Where have you been?" Coco asks me offering me a cigarette

Taking it I light up before replying "I spent the night in a holding cell" taking a deep drag I look at Coco and Ez "Charlie is back in town and she's working at the station"

"Charlie Cooper?" Ez asks as Coco let's put a low whistle

"Yep" I reply taking another drag from the cigarette in my hands

"Whose Charlie?" Gilly asks confusion on his face

Studying the cigarette in my hand I don't reply, watching the ash fall off Coco pipes up "Angel's high school sweetheart and—" before he can finish his sentence Tranq whistles sharply from the porch of the clubhouse

"Templo now" he calls out

Flicking the butt off my cigarette and stomping it with my boot I start to head inside the guys following me, I can feel Ez watching me waiting for a reaction to the news I just shared but I won't give him the satisfaction.

Sitting down at the table the mood tense as Bishop calls for attention

"Want to tell me why you were in a holding cell last night?" Bishop asks looking directly at me his eyes narrowing

"I was a little wasted" I reply shrugging trying to remember how I ended up in the cell, Charlie was no help in piecing my memories together "got picked up by Frankie and was there to sober up"

"I hope that's all" Bishop replies before addressing the whole table "Frankie has a new deputy sheriff, she started this week and rumour has it she use to be FBI so we're not sure what sort of heat she's bringing"

Coco looks at me pointedly across the table clearing my throat I signal Bishop "her name is Hazel Cooper, she grew up here and Coco and I went to high school with her" I say

Bishop studies me closely for a minute before turning to Tranq "find out what you can, I'm guessing a lot has changed since she left town and I want to know why a promising FBI agent is now a small town deputy sheriff"

The rest of the meeting passes in a blur, I can feel my hangover kicking in rubbing my temples all I can think about is a cold shower and sleeping for the next two days.

Bishop adjourns Templo and I stagger out to the clubhouse, nodding to Coco we head outside.

Climbing into the passenger side of his car "take me home" I say closing my eyes as Coco climbs in beside me.

We drive in silence, as we pull into my driveway Coco looks at me "You should have told Bishop who her father is, he's going to be pissed when he finds out" he says lighting a cigarette up and taking a drag

"Let the dead stay dead Coco, there's no point getting ghosts involved in this bullshit" I reply opening the car door

"Is she here to cause trouble?" Coco asks

"Fucked if I know" I say slamming the door shut "but I intend to find out" 

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