Chapter Thirty-five

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Charlie's POV

My lungs feel full of thick air, I'm desperate to breathe but I can't, I feel like my chest is crushing inwards as I fight the feeling of being pulled into a darkness I don't know.

Then there is peace, I open my eyes looking around, I'm surrounded by lush gardens. Looking down at my body I don't see any marks or damage that would explain my earlier pain.

I start to move through the gardens, the smell of jasmine filling the air. Walking the worn path I realise I've been here before, excitement builds in my chest as I turn left following the path deeper into the garden. My pace speeds up almost into a sprint as I reach the fountain in the centre, there he is, just as he was when I was a little girl. His black hair glistening in the sunlight, his back is turned to me, but I can see his tattoos coming out of his kutte, snaking down his arm.

"Papa" I stammer tears springing to my eyes as I race towards him, he has barely turned towards me as my body slams into his.

Laughing he wraps me up in his arms, kissing my forehead "hello sweetheart" he murmurs squeezing me tightly.

Pulling me down onto the fountain ledge, I can feel the cool spray of the water splashing up onto my back and my arms.

"My sweet girl, not that I'm not happy to see you, you shouldn't be here" he tells me stroking my hair.

"Why not papa? I'm tired, I just want to be at peace" I tell him resting my eyes.

"Oh baby girl, that's not an option, you need to fight" he says gently waking me.

"But why?" I whine like a small child.

"Because, you have so much more to achieve, and receive. It's not your time" he tells me, tears in his eyes.

"Aren't you lonely?" I ask him, looking around realising he is alone in the gardens.

"Look into the fountain mija" he says gently flicking the water causing it to ripple.

Turning around my eyes grow wide as I see my mother in her office, chewing on her pen as she reviews a patients file, the image so vivid I reach out to touch her, but the water shimmers and changes showing Sabella sitting in a kitchen her legs tucked up around her cradling a massive mug talking to Bishop.

"Why didn't you tell us about her?" I ask quietly wondering what the two of them are talking about.

"My sweet girl, your mother and I were waiting until you were older to tell you, but time just got away" he muses.

Watching the water ripple around Sabella's image, my dad reaches down gently brushing the water, the image changing to a room I don't recognise, it's bare, simple furniture. A chest of drawers, an armchair and a bed in the centre of the room. A woman lays in the centre of the bed, leaning in I look closely, her skin is sickly, covered in a sheen of sweat and covered in bruises, her hair matted and her eyes are closed but I can see they are black.

"Who is she?" I ask puzzled.

"Look closer sweetpea" my dad says softly rubbing my back.

Leaning forward I study her closer, her too thin frame, starts to look familiar, my eyes grow wide as a sob escapes my throat.

"What's wrong with me?" I exclaim.

"You're dying mija" he replies "you need to choose what path you want"

"What do you mean?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"You either need to fight, or follow me" he says sadly.

"I want to stay with you here" I tell him reaching for him.

"What about him?" My father asks turning back to the fountain, following his gaze I see Angel, I watch as he paces around his lounge room, he looks like he's yelling at someone.

"What about him?" I reply bluntly.

"Mija, I know I'm not there for you and you've got to deal with a lot of this stuff alone, but love, when you find it, grab hold of it and don't let go, fight for him, you'd be amazed at what your future might hold" he says leaning forward kissing me on my forehead.

Sighing I look at him, throwing myself back into his arms tears streaming down my face.

"Papa" I start to say, then it goes black and all I feel is pain, a scream rips from my throat.

This Hurts Like Hell - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now