Chapter 1: The Beating

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A/N: ** In this story replace some of the [Y/N]'s with your name. I hope you enjoy.** A/N

I laid down on the hood of my car. I told myself that I could put up with it. This was going to be the scariest beating I've ever gotten in a while. I hid the keys to the apartment in the potted plant in front of the door. I knew I was in trouble. I didn't wash the floor, I didn't clean anything, I didn't prepare the food. Nothing. I spent all day planning this. One misstep and this whole plan could land me in the E.R. I hear a car pull up. It's him. He looks angry as usual. He gets out of the car and goes to the door. I make like I'm sleeping. He looks through his pockets and doesn't see the key. He sees me laying on the roof of my car, and angrily walks up to me.

" (Y/N)! Get up! Lazy ass bitch, Where the are the keys?"

"My keys are gone too. Literally check my pockets I didn't hide them."

His nostrils flare. He picks me up and throws me off of the car. I slowly back away. He backs be up against the wall. I scream for help. He punches my stomach, causing me to fall to the ground. He knees me continually until I am red in the face. He pulls me up by my [Y/Hair color] hair and punches me dead in my eye. He continues this process until I fall lifeless on the pavement. He gets in his car and speeds off. He is going to get drunk the rest of the night. He does this so if I report him to the police, he has no memory of the incident.

I lay on the ground. Bleeding heavily. I scream for help. No one replies. I get up and walk down the road to a gas station. As soon as I get there, my legs fold and I collapse. I lay on the ground, crying and screaming. Finally a young man approaches me. I flinch thinking he was going to hurt me. He had blue eyes, brown hair, and was tall. He carefully helped me up.

He takes a good look at me. I cover my left eye, it has been bruised and is bleeding.

"Hey, my name's Sean. Please let me take you to a doctor. You may not know who I am, but you are knocked up. Please let me help you?" Sean pleads. I wasn't listening. I fall again. He caught me I nod. He puts me in his car, and drives me the E.R.

"What's your name? What happened to you?" He asked. His voice was very comforting.

" My name is [Y/N]. I was beat up. I don't want to talk about it." I say holding back tears.

"You have to tell me what happened. You can either tell the police or me. You can trust me. I can promise you, what you tell me is not leaving this car. Only with your permission." He tells me. He seems sincere. I just have to get it off of my chest.

"Okay. I've been dating this guy. His name doesn't need to be told. He makes me clean the house, make his food, and make sure his keys are intact. If anything is wrong, he beats me. I had enough of it. I hid his keys in the plant pot in front of our apartment, and lied saying I'd lost mine. He picked me up and threw me against the wall, he kneed me in my stomach and punched me repeatedly until I was bleeding. He then sped off to get drunk." I start to cry.

Sean stays silent. He feels bad for me. He pulls into the E.R. He picks me up and lays me on a gurney. He travels down to a room. He looks at me and sighs.

"The doctors are going to ask where those scars and bruises came from and they will find him. You have to tell them. Not exactly what you told me, but tell them that you got beat up."

I looked down. I was scared. What would happen to me? I didn't know, I just knew that I was screwed.

My Angel In Disguise [Jacksepticeye X Reader] [BOOK 1] [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now