Chapter 5: On The Road To Recovery

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A/N: For the people asking. I did do some research on these topics. Some of these diagnosis are factual. I usually do a lot of background research before I write these types of chapters. Same with the pictures that represent these chapters,. LOTS of Googling is done to find this information.  The tests described in this chapter are going to be as factual as possible.  

**February 10th (9:45 am)**

Sean talked to the doctor about the tests that needed to be run. She sat eating her food slowly. 

"Okay. So these are pretty simple tests. After the morphine is in her system, we will wait an hour or so to insure the morphine has dissolved and is in her stomach. The first test we will have to run is her gag reflex. We will lay her down on her back and use the throat opener to open her throat. Normally this would cause a trigger in the gag reflex. She may have a reaction. If not, its not a big deal. Next we will have her get up out of bed and move around. That could cause her acids to get into action. If she can keep the food down she will pass the test. The last step is the simple acid test. We need an abdominal x-ray to make sure nothing was torn or knocked out of place in the accident. If she's okay and healthy she can go home. Sound like a plan?" Dr. Wentz looked at Sean. Sean nodded.

Sean and the doctor both walked into her room. Sean was given a container and was told to sit with her. She sat on her bed, she smiled when she saw him. Her eyes were red from being sleep deprived. 

"Okay (Y/N), We are gonna lay you on your back. We're gonna do the same thing we did when you first came in here. We're gonna open your throat a tad. Okay?" She nodded as they lay her back. Sean elevated her head with his forearm and held the container. She held his hand. The slid the opener halfway down her throat. She squeezed his hand, he signaled for them to take it out. She gagged when the oxygen hit her uvula. She sat up. He nodded at Sean. She had passed. 

The nurse took the armrest down and allowed her to get up. She walked slowly around the room. She had felt friction in her stomach but held it in. She passed the test.

"Now (Y/N), if you have any urges to throw up, I suggest you do it now, because we need to take an x-ray of your stomach and torso. The machine will apply pressure to certain areas on your stomach, making sure your intestines and stomach are in their proper place. So again if you feel you need to vomit, I'd vomit now. If you need privacy, we will allow you to throw up in a bathroom. Otherwise, please let it out now if you need to." She shook her head, telling him he could continue.

She and Sean were brought to the x-ray room. She took off her gown, she had on the perfect attire for this procedure. She had her yellow crop top on and her jeans. She laid herself on the table, and held Sean's hand.

"If you feel any pain or pressure, squeeze his hand." He moved the machine over her stomach. The machine scanned her torso, so the doctor could have an image of what her insides looked like. The doctor took his hands and applied pressure to her lower stomach and her appendix. She felt pain but it was not severe. He turned the machine off and turned on the lights. 

"She's good to go. We'll have you go to the front desk and sign her release papers. Whilst she gets her things. I hope you feel better young lady. We still want her on pain medications for at least 10 more days to make sure those wounds close up." He shook both of their hands. 


After signing her paperwork, Sean sat in the waiting room. She got changed back into Sean's hoodie and her jeans. She put her rings back on and walked out to Sean. Sean smiled as he saw her.  He drove her home. 


Sean picked her up and brought her straight into bed. He sat on the bed with her on his lap. She laid her head on his shoulder. 

"Don't think this was your fault. I'm so sorry if I ruined our plans to go bowling... I'm sorry..." She began to cry. He shushed her.

"No! Don't be sorry. You didn't ruin anything. I promise you. I love you and who cares if we missed bowling, I'm glad your still alive and healthy. I should be sorry. Please don't blame this on yourself." He pulled her closer, rocking her back and forth. 

She cried in his arms. Her body shook. He pulled her closest to him. "Shh. It's okay breathe. Deep breaths." He rubbed her back. She dried her tears and looked at him. 

"Please don't leave me.. *cries harder*, When I went to sleep that night, I had a dream. I was all alone, and I was crying out for help and no one came. I heard footsteps all around me... I think I was squeezing your hand hard, and then I woke up and threw up... I don't want to be alone." She cried very hard. 

"Hey..hey. I love you WAY too much to just leave you to fend for yourself. I know how that feels. Please calm down! I was there the entire night. You were squeezing my hand pretty hard, I just thought you were in pain. You will never be alone. I will always be there for you. I swear on ma life." He smiled and kissed her. She whimpered. He kissed her deeply and passionately. She kissed him back. She couldn't help but smile. 

"Good. Keep that beautiful smile on that beautiful face." He giggled. She blushed.

"Medications, and then the night is ours." She nodded.

Sean got her 3 pain medications and gave her some water. She passed up on dinner and laid in bed. He put her unfinished water on the nightstand and got into bed with her. He wrapped his blanket around her. She turned to her not bandaged side, so she was looking at him. She intertwined her legs with his and wrapped her hands around his waist. She looked up at him. She was only [Y/Height], Sean was 5'10. She scooted herself up to his eye view. He smiled and admired her beauty. 

"Gimme a second." He got up and went into the bathroom. He got an empty container and put in on the nightstand. The doctor told him that her morphine could have a reaction at anytime in the next 24 hours. So he needed to keep an eye on her. He laid back down. 

"I know how you work. If you really feel like you're gonna explode, just let it out. Doesn't matter where you let it out, just let it out. I don't care if you get it on me, just let it out. It'll hurt your insides if you keep swallowing, and it's harder to maintain if you keep swallowing. Okay. If you need me just pull my shirt. Okay?"  He looked at her. She nodded and yawned. She cuddled him close. Holding his hand tightly so he wouldn't leave her. She slept soundly, she got up to spit more than once during the night. Every time she got out of bed, when she came back Sean would sit up and pull her back into bed with him, where she would snuggle up to him and fall back asleep. 

~The road to recovery would be a hard, and long process. She would be in pain, yes, yes she would be. However, most pain can be solved  with some support and love. Of course with her medications this would speed up the process. Sean would help her. She felt like she was going to die, but Sean tried his best to subside her pain.~ 

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