Author's Note / Check In

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**WARNING! This chapter is an authors note. I'm making this because many people have asked me to slow down the updating speed, which I may or may not do. Only because this book gives me something to do at 3 in the morning on a school night when I can't sleep. Giving me something to do in school and something to do at any given moment. Having a notebook to keep these chapters in was a really good idea for me to do. It gives my mind a chance to escape reality whilst in school. I think of most of the ideas for these chapters in school. I research A LOT for these chapters and the upcoming ones as well. I use many websites to help me calculate the months and weeks of each trimester and the symptoms of each pregnancy stage. So again, this chapter can be skipped if you choose. Information on further updates and chapters will be discussed, so stay if you want to be updated. Just a slight warning**

Baby Name Finalist: (Doing this now before I forget to add it in later)

After getting comments from multiple social media networks and asking classmates for their opinions:The finalist for baby names are:

Emily and Ethan


Spirit and Sebastian

As her pregnancy weeks shorten, and as we get closer to the actual birthing of the babies, The name will be chosen. I read each comment and all opinions are welcome.

Comment 1 if you want the babies names to be Emily & Ethan

Comment 2 if you want the babies names to be Spirit & Sebastian


Here are the stats of her pregnancy from Chapter 17 to Chapter 20


Date Pregnancy Was Announced: June 3rd

Pregnancy Test: Positive

Ultrasound Done: Yes

Amount of Babies: 2

Twins: Yes

Genders: Boy & Girl

Father: Sean McLoughlin

Mother: [Y/N]

Due Date: Unknown

Baby names: Waiting to be decided.

Stage of Pregnancy: Second Trimester 

20 weeks left in pregnancy


Pregnancy Terms / Stages (Doing this to clear some stuff up for people)


There are 9 months to pregnancy, split into 3 trimester. Each trimester along the lines of 12 weeks (Depending on the woman). In pregnancy there are 36 weeks in total. (4 weeks in a month x 9 months = 36 weeks). Many things can go wrong in pregnancy but most things are easily avoided. These things can occur in pregnancy that are completely normal.

Morning Sickness
Excessive Stomach Cramps
Back Pain
The Inability to Sleep
Sensitive Gag Reflex 

Most of these symptoms usually occur during the first or second trimester. Symptoms like morning sickness, cramps, back pain, sleeping problems and a sensitive gag reflex can last up until delivery.

A mother can feel her baby kick and move inside of her. Depending how many times you've been pregnant, can define how fast and vivid you will feel the baby kick.

1st pregnancy- You may feel slight pressure in certain areas in your stomach, not too painful and hard to handle. You could get them more painfully depending on the number or embryos / babies are expected at delivery. For a normal one baby, you'll get them around week 20-25.

2nd pregnancy- You will feel pain in your stomach as early as week 13. The feeling is not pleasant, but you have felt these pains before so they shouldn't be too painful.


Morning Sickness- The act of morning sickness has yet to be explained. Most doctors and scientist say its hormonal releases that can upset ones stomach. The name comes from most mothers, get sick in the mornings. This can last all day. Your gag reflex has been softened along with most of your muscles and are tightened with certain movements. Just remember, the sickness may be the worst part, but it means your organs are still in action and your blood vessels are awake and ready to fight an infection if any means necessary.


A few questions I need answered to progress the book. Not required


Do you think Sean will be a good father?

What is something that you would like to be in the next chapter?

When should the babies' due date be?

What is something you like about this novel?

If I made a sequel to this..Would you read it?

What other YouTubers would you like to be seen in My Angel In Disguise?

And overall, Thank you for being fantastic people with your lovely comments. I am ever so grateful that I can get up in the mornings and just sit and read comments and be really happy. I do try to respond to every comment that comes in to me. I love being in connect with my readers and I've come to recognize some frequent commenters by just looking at their profile pictures. So thank you all for the support. I may or may not be talking to a professional editor who is intrigued by the series' in the making and wants to maybe edit it and then we can take it from there. <- Was all because of you guys' sea of support with this and I couldn't be more grateful. I went to a normal girl, writing stupid love stories that no one cared about to having a book, that people enjoy and are engaged to. (Interested in) . One last thing I need to bring up is the bold dialogue is something I need to do in order for me to focus. It's not because it looks pretty or anything, I actually can't write anything / type anything w/ dialogue and not have it bold. It pissses people off and I understand that, but there's really nothing I can do about it. Its something I've always done and something I always will do. So I'm extremely sorry if it bothers some of you, but I again can't help it. I can't read it any other way and make it fun to write. Thank you for understanding. Thank you all for the support and I love each and everyone of you. ❤

Chapters will resume the day after this was uploaded. Remember to vote for the names you want to see for the twins. Thank you.

~Destiny F.~

My Angel In Disguise [Jacksepticeye X Reader] [BOOK 1] [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now