Chapter 6

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She lay awake with Sean. She thought hard about what had happened. Was it her fault? She was extremely sleep deprived after not sleeping correctly all night. Sean pulled her closer as he woke up. He rubbed his eyes looking at her. He looked at his phone seeing it was only 4 am.

"What are you doing up?" He rubbed his eyes.

"I'm scared to go back to sleep..." She looked down.

He sat up and looked at her. "Why are you scared?" He asked. She whimpered as he held her close.

"I-i-i just don't feel right. I feel icky. If I go back to sleep, my stomach acts up.. I-i just don't want to make a mess." She yelped in pain, as she moved Sean's hand to her stomach, He rubbed it gently. She started crying.

"I already told you, it doesn't matter if you make a mess. I'll clean it up I promise. Just let it come up. The medicine is messing with your stomach, you have to let it out of your system.." He turned on the light. He rocked her back and forth. Shushing her as she cried. She winced as pain shot in her stomach. She squeezed his hand. 

"Seeeeaaaan~" She whined.

Sean rocked her. He reached for the container. Tears sprung down her face as she threw up. Sean tried his best to help her aim. She spewed in small amounts multiple times. Which was a key sign in her recovery. She threw up a couple more times and sunk into his arms. He got up and emptied her container and sat back down with her. Her eyes closed she snuggled close to him. 

"Do you feel better?" He cuddled her. She nodded and slowly went back to sleep. He stayed up the rest of the night. Sean rubbed her stomach throughout the night which seemed to help her sleep. She smiled holding his hand. 


Morning (9:00 am)


  Sean was awake on the bed with her. She woke up. She blinked slowly and sleepily as she smiled at him. He kissed her forehead.

"Morning babe." He held her close. 

"Morning Sean." She kissed his cheek and yawned. He felt her stomach, she flinched her body but relaxed as he moved his hand around applying pressure. 

"Can you think you could hold down breakfast?" She shook her head. Her stomach wasn't strong enough to hold down eggs. She looked at him.

"Can you make me some toast and jello?" She smiled sleepily. He nodded. He went into the kitchen and made her what she wanted. She got out of bed and rinsed her mouth out. Having a nasty taste. She brushed her teeth and got back into bed. She felt around her stomach, she winched in pain. Sean came upstairs to her. He sat on the bed with her and handed her her plate.

She giggled. "Thank you Jackie Boy." He smiled brightly. He nodded,

"Eat slowly, so it doesn't come back up." She nodded and took a bite out of her toast. She rested her hand on his shoulder as she slowly ate. He had his hand on her stomach, rubbing it slowly. Her eyes drooped, as she looked down eating. He kissed her forehead. As she finished eating she looked up at Sean.

"Do you want your pain meds now or do you want to wait and see if you can hold them down?" He sat up slightly. She nodded to the first option. Sean carefully got up and got her pills. He got water and her container as he saw down with her. She looked up at him.  He handed her water and put the container on her lap. She took her pills slowly. 


Bedroom (12 pm)


"So there's not much you can do right now. I don't want to upset your stomach by making you move around. You've thrown up a lot this morning, so I don't want to make you have to do it again because I know you hate it. Netflix?" He suggested. She nodded as he turned on the Xbox One. He turned to Netflix and handed her the controller. She scrolled through her choices and picked a movie. Sean went and sat at his desk. She whimpered. 

"Stay with meeee~" She made grabby hands at him. He got up with his phone and sat with her. He smiled and she wrapped her blanket around him. She cuddled up to him. He nuzzled her close. She giggled and played with his hair. He kissed her softly. 

"You should rest. I'll be here, I promise." He ran his fingers down her hair. She shook her head. 

"Nu~ I wanna stay with you. Awake, and I feel like exploding again. " She sat upright and drank some water. He got up and went into the kitchen, He quickly grabbed a medium sized bowl and ran back to her. He put in on the nightstand as close to her as possible. 

"Are you going back to sleep? If so then hand me that bowl." She nodded and handed it to him. Sean sat criss-crossed on the bed and put the bowl in between the gap. She laid her head on his thigh. She curled up in a ball. and feel asleep. He held the bowl in place, while a scrolled through his Twitter. She slept soundly. He could here her stomach growling, he re-positioned her so her mouth was over the bowl. He cradled her head. Her chest started to heave. She woke up. He looked at her.

"Do you feel better?" He asked. She whimpered and shook her head. 

"I feel worse.." She held her stomach, crying. 

"It's okay. That means the medicine is working. Just c'mere." He opened his arms. She cuddled up to him crying. He rubbed her stomach gently. rocking her back and forth. She took the bowl and held it. She spit into the bowl. 


Bedroom (6:34 pm) 


After repeating that process for 6 and a half hours, on and off. She sat on the bed. Her back facing the back board. Sean looked at her. 

"You okay?" He kissed her forehead. 

She nodded. "Just trying to focus on not doing it anymore." He got up and very gently picked her up. She clung onto his neck. He walked her to the kitchen and sat her down on the breakfast stool. She laid her head down on the island counter. He went in the fridge and sighed. 

"What can you hold down?" He looked at her.

"It's a luck game. I can hold down almost everything, it just is a waiting game to see if my stomach is gonna be stupid. So yeah, just give me fooooood." She weakly smiled. Her eyes were half open. He nodded and grabbed her some crackers. He picked her up again and brought her back to their room. She got under the blanket and pulled Sean to sit with her. She laid her each on his thighs. Eating her crackers. 

"Movie?" She nodded. "iPad or Xbox?" He asked.

"iPad." She reached and got it. She handed it to him. He opened Netflix and picked her favorite movie. Sean pulled the blanket over her, covering her shoulder. He watched the movie with her as she ate her crackers. 

~ Recovery was 1 day closer to being over. All she wanted to do is cuddle with Sean. When Sean rubbed her stomach, her stomach would always settle. Every time she spewed she would think Sean would hate her, but we all know this wasn't true. She had gotten it on him multiple times and he always cleaned her up. It was love. She needed love more than those pills. There was a big problem here, we need to dig deeper in her mind to find out the problem. *extends hands* Shall we?~

My Angel In Disguise [Jacksepticeye X Reader] [BOOK 1] [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now