Chapter 38: No Matter What Happens...

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~First Person~

~Time and Date- Unknown~

~Subject's Name- Unknown~

You sit on a bench in the rain. You are crying. You don't know where he went or where you are. You become angry and start running as fast as you can down the street. Not caring if you get hit with a car. You close your eyes, hoping something will strike you and kill you. You open your eyes as you feel something smash against your body, knocking you to the side of the street. It holds you down as you struggle and scream. Nothing can hear you or see you. You kick the creature's face allowing you to be free. You sprint down the road, tears streaming down your face. You scream his name out, but you get no answers. You drop to the ground, feeling yourself give up. You scream as loud as you can, still getting no responses. You pick yourself up and try to run. You cry harder as you hear his voice calling your name.

"SEAN!" You scream out, running faster.

"SEAN...SEAN!!" You scream louder. You slow down, hearing his voice get louder. You walk to a gas station, something that seems oddly familiar to you. You collapse on the floor in front of the gas station. Screaming on top of your lungs, not getting any sort of response.You lay on the floor, crying has hard as humanly possible. You hear footsteps..they grow louder....until...they are right in front of you. You're eyes close before you get to see his face. He picks you up roughly and puts a blindfold on your eyes and rope around your arms and legs. You scream loudly, but your screams are muffled be the tape he put over your mouth. He throws you into his car and drives you to a location. You can still hear his voice, screaming your name. He stops the car and picks you up. He walks into the home and throws you into it. You hear many locks being locked on the door and all the windows shutting. This place smells oddly familiar. He unties you and removes your blindfold. You can't speak, your choked up with fear.

"Miss me?" James stood in front of you. You try to scream but he grabs you by your neck. You struggle to get out of his grasp. He chuckled, throwing you on the ground.

"Guess who's out of prison?" He smiled deviously.

"Guess who's ready to go back?" You back away fast, looking around for an escape. He picks you up and smiles.

"You haven't changed a bit. Still the cowering little bitch I always knew you as. Just waiting for your husband Sean to realize how much of a fuck up you actually are. So after I kill you, I'm going after your family. Picking them off one by one, breaking them bone by bone, Until I am satisfied. Sound like a plan?" He chuckled. Your heart starts to beat out of your chest as he reaches for a weapon. He grabs a kitchen knife. He looks at you.

"Let's make this quick and painless..*scoffs* Well for me of course." He stabs you through your chest...You scream for the last 10 seconds of your life..

~Thursday, March 5th (3 am)~

Sean tried to wake her up. She screamed loudly in his arms. He shook her, waking her up. She looked around. She ran to the twins room to see if they were okay. She walked back to her room in tears. She sat on the bed in Sean's arms crying as hard as she could. Sean kissed her forehead.

"He's out.." She cried harder. "And he's after me and our family.."

"What makes you say that?"

"He found me at the exact same gas station you did, and tied me up. He brought me back to the house he lives at and told me he was out. and that after he killed me, he'd find you and the family and k..." She burst into more tears. Sean held her close.

"Calm down [Y/N]. It's over now. Please listen to me. He's not gonna touch our family. I promise you he won't come near us. Please calm down.." After a good 10 minutes she started to calm down. Sean still holding her close to himself. She tried to speak but the emotions caught her and choked her up.

"He's not coming here. I won't let him. If that means I die than I'm willing to sacrifice myself so you can live with Sebastian and Emily." He tried not to cry. She started to cry again, thinking of living without him.

"Sean.." She stopped herself, getting up and getting dressed.

"Where are you going?!?" He grabbed her, holding her close to his chest.

"He's not going to stop until he has me.. So let's give him what he wants.."

"NO! You're not leaving me. Please.." He cried holding her.

"Sean...I love you, but I'd rather die now then wait for my family to be murdered by a man who only wants to kill me.. Sean you don't understand. He won't stop until one of us is dead. I would rather me die than anyone else in our family. I'm what he wants. So let me give him what he desires." Sean held her closer to him, not letting her go.

"You're not leaving me. I refuse to let you go. If that means I have to lock you in a room until you realize I love you and need you then that's what I'll do. You need to stop. I don't want to explain to the kids that their mother is no longer with us because she was murdered by a fucking psychopath that need to be fucking locked up in an insane asylum. I NEED YOU HERE WITH ME! PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!" Sean cried hard, holding her tighter.



"Sean stop."

"Hmmm, No." She struggled to get out of his grasp. He picked her up and put her on the bed. Sean hugged her tightly. She stopped struggling and hugged him in tears.

"I love you.." She told him.

"I love you too. Now stay with me." He kissed her neck as a tear left his eye and trailed down her neck.

~James V.Q Johnson, Born January 27th, 1990. Apartment 634~

~A nightmare relight~

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