Chapter 20: A Painful Process

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~Second Trimester has just approached~

~June 7th, (3 am)~

~15 weeks into pregnancy~

Sean walked upstairs, after putting her cookie dough ice cream in the freezer as she requested. He went into their bedroom and saw her sitting on the bed, knees as close to her chest as her body allowed. She looked up at him as he walked over to her.

"You feeling okay?" She nodded, rubbing her eyes.

"Do you need anything?" He asked.

"I need you." She made grabby hands.

Sean smiled and got into bed with her, draping his arm over her stomach, rubbing it gently. She smiled and went to sleep. She let out painful whines as she slept, but his gentle hands kept her calm and allowed her stomach to settle. He held her close as she slept. After 3 hours had passed, her nerves began to become uneasy. She carefully got out of bed, not wanting to wake him, and went to the bathroom. She washed her face with cold water, trying to calm her nerves. She was happy about having twins and even more that she was with Sean, but she had never known how to raise a child. Let alone two. She had seen her mother do it, and she came out fine along with her sister Hayley. She was just worried she would do something wrong and it would hurt the babies. It worried her greatly, but she knew Sean monitored her on what she ate and other factors and was an overall great "coach" and an even better fiance soon to be husband. She took a deep breath and walked to his desk, sitting down. She googled tips about pregnancy and how to care for your baby, or in this case babies. She googled different things. Going to look at nursery items to tell Sean what was needed. In the mix of searching she began to get tired. She laid her head down on his desk, and went to sleep, snoring quietly.


Sean stretched out on the bed before getting up. He got up and walked over to his desk where he kept his phone. He saw her sleeping and smiled. He kissed her forehead, took his phone and walked downstairs to make her food. She got up shortly after he left the room, feeling like she had just exploded. She went in the bathroom and looked at her belly. Seeing it was a lot bigger than last night. She smiled slightly.

"One step closer.." She mumbled to herself as Sean came upstairs with a grilled cheese sandwich and her ice cream. He walked in the room, putting her "breakfast" on his desk. She walked out smiling.

"Am I fat?" She tried to say with a straight face.

"Nope. As skinny as can be. " He walked to her, she giggled. He hugged her from behind, placing his hands on the sides of her bump. She smiled placing her hands on his. He kissed her cheek and let go. He moved her breakfast to the bed and looked at her.

"I made you your favorites. and I got ice cream just in case. I'm gonna edit the video we shot yesterday. I'll have my headphones covering one ear so if you need anything, just ask okay?" She nodded, as she sat on the bed, and started eating. He sat at his desk and started editing. She eventually finished eating and went back to sleep.

My Angel In Disguise [Jacksepticeye X Reader] [BOOK 1] [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now