Chapter 22: Baby Twins You Shall Receive

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** Lastly, for those eager to see Mark in more chapters he will be in chapters 21-25. Having him in it is a big aspect to me so he deserves more than one chapter. I don't think any other YouTubers will be in this story. So sorry about that. Overall, I just hope you guys are enjoying the book . Thank you for all of the wishes and support. Also, My birthday is on the 3rd of May, so I may not be on any socials at all. Just a little heads up for the future. Thanks.**

~3rd Trimester~

Sean sat on the side of the bed with her. She took deep breaths as the babies kicked. These kicks however were more powerful and forceful. She took Sean's hand and squeezed it extremely hard. She started to sweat. She felt a sensation.  

"Sean.." Her face went pale.

"What? What's wrong?" He started to panic

"My water just broke.." She held her stomach.

"Can you walk?" She shook her head. He sighed and carefully picked her up, walked carefully down the stairs. Sean put her in the car and quickly drove to the hospital. She screamed loudly as he drove. He held her hand. Sean pulled into the hospital and got out of the car, picking her up and taking her into the building. The nurses take her to the birthing section of the hospital while Sean filled out paperwork. The nurse walked over to him.

"So we are going to prep her for the birth." He nodded.

"Can I be with her?" He asked. She nodded.

"We'll let you see her after the prepping." She smiled and walked back to her desk. Sean finished filling out paperwork and handed it to her. He started to panic and texted Mark. It's about 3 in the morning.

S: Dude!

M: Sean, do you realize it's 3 in the morning?

S: She just went into labor.

M: Omg, is she okay?

S: Yeah she's fine, being prepped.

M: Are you okay?

S: Yeah, just nervous.

M: She'll be fine.

S: I'm just worried.

M: Would you like me to come other there?

S: Please.

M: I'll be there in 10 minutes.

S: Okay.

Sean put away his phone, and waited patiently for Mark to arrive. Within 5 minutes Mark came to the hospital and walked into the waiting room. Sean looked up at him, with a concerned look.

"Uh, Sean. She's ready for you." She looked at him. He nodded standing up.

"Congratulations!" She led him and Mark to the room. Mark kept Sean calm.

She groaned in extreme pain. Mark and Sean walked to her, he sat down and held her hand. As the contractions came in, she started to shake and sweat. Both Mark and Sean helped her through her delivery.

~Time Skip~

After 3 long and painful hours, she fell back into the bed, breathing hard as he body quaked. Mark walked with nurse to the incubator room so the babies could be cared for overnight. The doctor came in the room with two slips of paper.

"It was a successful delivery, the babies are healthy and ready to be raised in the care of loving arms. Do we have names for the babies?" She asked.

Sean looked at her, and she nodded. "Emily and Sebastian."

The doctor stamped the birth certificates.

"So we have Sebastian McLoughlin, born November 12th, 2015. Arriving at 4:34 am. We also have little Emily McLoughlin. Born also on November 12, 2015. Arriving at 4:40 am. Congratulations!" She handed him the certificates. She smiled weakly, having twins drained her energy completely. She started to close her eyes.

"So here's how things are gonna go. We need to observe her and the babies overnight. To see the babies heart rate and make sure they are okay. and also to make sure she regains her strength. We have your number and we will call you if any means necessary. We'll need you back here at 11 or so. Sound like a plan?" She told Sean. He nodded, walking over to her and kissing her forehead. He and Mark both went home. It's around 6 am. Sean unlocked the door and sank into the bed. Feeling lonely not having her to sleep with. He smiled getting up. He walked to his desk and finished editing. VERY tempted to tweet out that she had had the babies, but he also wanted to make a video. So he decided to make a video when she came back home. He sighed happily.

"Baby Twins." He smiled.

~Destiny F~

My Angel In Disguise [Jacksepticeye X Reader] [BOOK 1] [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now