Chapter 11: I'm So Sorry....

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Sean sat with her as she slept. He didn't want to do this, but he had to. He slowly got up, replacing himself with a pillow. He sat at his desk and googled her abusers name. To try to find his address. He googled for hours before he found what he needed.

"James..V.Q....Johnson. Apartment 634. 2344 Cherry Lane." He wrote this information down. Sean was tired of seeing her hurt because he did this to her. He never wanted to see another scar on her body. To fix this problem, he was prepared to put his life on the line. He planned to drive with her to his apartment and show her he couldn't hurt her anymore. As soon as morning struck, his plan would spring into action.  He paced around his room, worried that he could get hurt, but he was more focused on making her feel reassured.


February 29th (9 am)


She sat up, rubbing her eyes. She looked at Sean pushing her hair out of her face. 

"Morning babe." She walked to him hugging him from behind. He picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. He weakly smiled. 

"Sorry to change the mood, but you need to get dressed and meet me in the car. Pleaase?" She nodded and got dressed. Sean grabbed his keys and walked out to the car, putting the address in his GPS. He took a deep breath, not knowing what this guy was capable of. She walked out of the house locking the door, and getting in the car. She looked at Sean with a sinking feeling in her stomach. 

"Sean..?" Her heart raced as they passed familiar sights. 

"Hm?" He looked over.

"What are you doing?" She started to hyperventilate. He sighed.

"Listen to me right now. I'm gonna do something that I think will help you. I googled this man's address and we are going to have a conference with him. *hands her his phone with 911 dialed*, if things get out of hands, click the green button. *he pulls in his driveway* Stay in the car." He turned off the car. He sighed and got out of the car.

"Stay here." He walked up to his door and rang the doorbell. Within 3 seconds, a man appeared. His eyebrows burrowed with rage. She ducked her head, not letting him see her. Sean talked to James, with anger. As soon as he mentioned her, his nostrils flared, picking Sean up by his shirt. Sean punched his face, making him drop him. James punched Sean in the stomach, knocking him on the ground. She watched, crying heavily. James picked him up, and threw him down against his knee, breaking some of his bones. She couldn't take it, she pressed the green button calling 911.

*dispatcher* " 911, what is your emergency?" She tried to keep her voice down. 

"My boyfriend is being attacked and assaulted brutally and I need help before this gets bad." 

"Okay Ma'am stay calm. Give me the address you are at." 

"Apartment 634. 2344 Cherry Lane. PLEASE GET HERE FAST." She hung up, and continued to panic. James left Sean to go into his apartment. Sean lay lifeless on the pavement. James can back out with a dagger. She screamed, getting out of the car, too late to save Sean. Pools of blood surrounded Sean. James turned to her, smiling. As soon as he took a step, police cars arrived. She ran over to Sean, crying extremely hard. Screaming his name. His eyes were slightly open, as blood poured out of his body. She put both of her hands on Sean's stomach, applying as much pressure as she could trying to stop the bleeding. Paramedics rushed over to him, putting him on a gurney. She followed the paramedics to the ambulance. Sean wasn't breathing. They used a defibrillator on him, which brought his breathing back, but at a low rate. They put an oxygen mask on him, taking his shirt off to see the wound. The paramedics talk. He flat lines again. She cried hard, she could lose him at any given moment. The medics cleaned his wound, bandaging him and putting a covering on. They arrived to the hospital, blood still seeping down his stomach. Sean laid lifeless on this hospital bed. Not moving a single muscle. Tears ran down her face. She walked into his room, watching him slowly breath. He had tubes down his nose, and an IV in his arm. He lay on his bed, his eyes closed. She sat next to his bed, trying not to break down. The doctor came in and explained his problem and were he was stabbed. She sat back down. He slowly opened his eyes as the doctors adjusted his oxygen. Tears ran down his face watching her cry.

"Sean..." She choked back her tears, not allowing her to speak. His voice was low and scratchy.

"Listen, This wasn't your fault..It was mine." He looked at her.

"I should've listened to you about what he could do. At least he's going to prison.." He laid his head back. 

"I'm so sorry..." She cried. He shook his head. Sean grabbed her hand, groaning as he felt the pain. She cried harder, seeing his gown stained with blood. He shushed her. 

"I'll be okay. I want you to go home." He looked at her, his tubes running over her hand. 

She nodded. "Lock ALL of the doors. I want to see you tomorrow morning, and I swear to the gods of YouTube, If I see one cut on your arms, thighs, or stomach. You will be in trouble. Please stay safe. I have my phone, text me if you need anything. Just stay calm, and come back here tomorrow morning. Okay?" She nodded. She kissed him, and walked out of his room. He began to cry. His nurses changed his bandages and put more Iodine in his wound, making him scream in pain. The nurses gave him some pain killers to subside the pain. He sunk back into his bed and feel asleep. 


She changed into his clothes, and sprayed his cologne on them. To be able to smell him as she slept. She cried hard in her sleep. 

12 am

She got up, enraged. She felt personally responsible for what happened. She punched the wall leaving a small indent. She drove to the hospital and stayed in the waiting room for over 6 hours. Not wanting to sleep without him. A nice nurse took her to his room multiple times throughout the night to check on him. She felt angry she had let this happen. The question was, will he make it out alive?

~ Why must it be Sean who was hurt, why not her? Is a question my editor asked me. Sean was a humble and determined person. Not letting anyone or anything get in his way. He wasn't letting James hurt her any longer. I'd say his attempt was a success, wouldn't you? James has been sent off to prison on a life sentence. Even though Sean got stabbed.. The question is "Will Sean be boss enough to survive this brutal stabbing?" . Not sure if I want to put a warning for feels, but we'll see. Sean was a boss, but when he was stripped from his ability to fight....... Could he survive?~ 

My Angel In Disguise [Jacksepticeye X Reader] [BOOK 1] [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now