Chapter 52: Sam?

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~June 1st (5 am)~

Sean sat up from bed. He yawned, getting up and walking downstairs. He heard Sam whine loudly. Sean walked over to Sam's bed and petted him. Sam woke up and whined louder. Sean turned on the kitchen light and gently picked Sam up and placing him on the kitchen counter. Sam's body shook as he tried to keep himself upright. Sean petted him which kept him calm. Sean thought for a second. Sam laid down on the counter and put his head down. Sean went upstairs and woke [Y/N] up. 

"[Y/N]?" Sean shook her gently. She opened her eyes and sat up. 

"What is it?" She was concerned. 

"Sam." He waved for her to follow him. She walked downstairs to see Sam whining on the kitchen counter. She ran over to him and pet him slowly. Sam licked her hand weakly. 

"Sean...what happened?"

"I don't know. I came downstairs and heard him whining so I went over to him and pet him and he whined louder. I put him on the counter and he could barely hold himself up. He's shaking and weak.." Sam's body started to heave. Sam stood up and gagged. Sean quickly got a small bowl and placed it in front of him. Sam threw up in an abnormally large amount. She patted his side, causing him to throw up again. She looked up at Sean. Sam laid back down on the counter.

"Take him to the vet please?" Sean nodded. 

"Stay down here for a second so I can get dressed." She nodded as he went upstairs. Sean quickly got dressed and grabbed his keys and his wallet. [Y/N] pet Sam gently as he licked her hand.

"You're okay Sam. You're okay." Sam let out a weak howl as she rubbed his stomach gently. Sean came downstairs and walked to Sam. Sam stood up slowly, letting Sean pick him up.

"I'll be back okay?" Sean gave her a kiss and left for the vet. Sam laid down on Sean's lap as he sat down and whined. Sean rubbed his stomach, keeping him calm. Sam pawed at Sean's seatbelt, whining louder. Sean pulled into the Emergency Veterinarian and stopped the car. Sam looked up at Sean as he opened the door. He carefully picked Sam up and brought him into the office. He signed paperwork as Sam sat on his lap, licking at Sean's hand from his thirst. Sean got up and got a cup of water and held it for Sam to drink, petting him gently. The doctor called Sean back. Sean stood up and held Sam as he walked into the doctor's office. He sat Sam up on the bed as he put his head down and whined. The doctor look at Sean with concerned eyes. She took Sam's temperature and wrote it down on a clipboard.

"So what happened?"

"I had came downstairs to get water and I heard Sam whining in his sleep so I woke him up and he whined louder. I woke up my wife and she picked him up and placed him on the kitchen countertop and pet him. He threw up in large amounts 2 times and I don't know what's the problem?" Sam stood up and threw up on the bed. The doctor quickly picked him up and placed a small bowl in front of him. She patted on both of his sides as he whined to see where the pain stood. Sean looked at Sam concerned. 

"So seeing he's vomiting quite profusely, we're going to give him some medicine to empty his system and then we are going to take an x-ray to make sure he hasn't swallowed anything foreign to his normal eating habits and we need to monitor him for today and then at 8 o'clock PM you can take Sam home with you. Sound okay?" Sean nodded. He pet Sam's head gently as he licked at his hand. Sean signed a consent form for Sam and looked at him as they gave him his medicine. Sam laid down on his side and looked at Sean, whining now more quiet. Sam stood up and regurgitated what looked to be a small rock or a pebble along with the rest of the bile his stomach could produce. Sam laid back down and licked at his nose. The doctor looked at Sean and nodded.

"A rock was lodged in his digestive tract, which could have resulted in surgery and or death. Do you know how he could have gotten this rock lodged in his stomach?" She asked him.

"Um, He might of thought the rock was food when I took him for a walk last night. It's dark so he could have just ate it thinking it was food..." Sean looked down.

"Well, Sam should be okay now. I want an x-ray done of his intestines to make sure none of his intestines are torn or scratched, and don't take this to heart. Dogs will try to eat anything they can get their paws on. Seeing it was dark and the size of the rock being small, he could have just licked it and it got stuck on his tongue in which he swallowed it and it got lodged in his digestive tract. This happens to a lot of pet owners so don't feel this was your fault." She smiled at him. He nodded. Sean pet Sam as Sam nipped his shirt sleeve being playful.

"So he definitely feels better. I'll be right back with the x-ray equipment." The doctor left the room as Sean pet Sam, keeping him calm. Within a few minutes the doctor came back with an anesthetic needle and the equipment. Sean looked at her.

"Sam needs to be sedated for this x-ray. Just incase he moves and messes up the images. Is he good with needles?" Sean nodded. The doctor gave Sam the anesthesia, in which Sam let out a small whine before the needle was injected. Sam closed his eyes slowly. The doctor placed the equipment on Sam's side and chest. The machine snapped 5 images showing different parts of Sam's digestive system. Sean looked at the doctor as she wrote down notes in her clipboard.  

"He's good to go. We're going to keep him in his own small room so he can wake up and walk around and wake up his muscles. He should wake up in a couple of hours. Sounds good?" Sean nodded as the doctor took Sam into a room and let him lay down and sleep. Sean signed more forms and then went home. He was worried but happy Sam was okay.


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