Chapter 4: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

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**February 8th (9:00 am)**   

  Sean had been washing dishes, Letting her sleep. She had had a tough night and she needed her rest. His birthday had just past and they celebrated all night. He had had a great time at his party. It was a very fun night. Sean made her breakfast and brought it up to her, She jumped when he opened the door. She smiled at him.

"How does it feel to be 25 years old?" She got up and hugged him smiling. 

"It feels magnificent, especially having you here to help me celebrate." He kissed her. She giggled. 

He handed her her plate and sat on the bed. She followed him and sat on his lap. She looked back at him smiling. She eat her breakfast and laid with Sean. Sean looked back at her, her beauty amazed him. She looked back at him, his smile was so bright and alive. Sean got an idea. 

"Lets go out and do something fun." He suggested. She nodded. 

"What might you have in mind?" She raised one eyebrow, smiling. 

"Bowling?" He asked. She smiled.

"I'm gonna kick your ass in bowling. Be prepared." She giggled, kissing him.

"Challenge accepted." He got up and went into the shower. She had already taken one so she got dressed. 

She put on Sean's T-shirt, black skinny jeans, and her black and white converse. She tied her hair up and put on her rings. She also changed her nose stud to a ring. Waiting patiently for Sean to come out of the shower. 

Sean came out of the shower and put on his Joki shirt and dark blue jeans. He got his sunglasses and his keys. 

"Ready?" He looked at her. She nodded and followed him to his car.

Sean drove to the other side of town. He was driving at a normal speed and was obeying traffic laws. Whilst his light turned green, a car ran a red light and smashed into Sean's car. Sean looked over at her and saw she was unconscious. He broke his door down and went to pick her up and carry her out of the car. He laid her on the ground. The driver of the car called 911 and he waited for the ambulance to get there. He held back tears as he saw her laying on a gurney with an oxygen mask on. He held her hand. They reached the hospital and they lead Sean to her room. He asked for a conjoined bed, which they gave him. They put an IV in her arm and a breathing tube in her nose. Sean cried silently. She held onto his hand as she woke up. She yelped in pain. She cried hard. 

" Shh. Its okay. You're okay. Shh." He cradled her head. 

"Sean! It hurts! It hurts badly." She whimpered in pain. He rocked her gently back and forth. He held her close. He whispered in her ear. "It's gonna be okay. I promise.." . She dried her tears, and arched her back trying to stop the pain. He held back tears. 


Hospital (3:24 am)


After they gave her 4 different pain killers, and some anesthesia. She was extremely tired. She tried her hardest to  stay awake. Sean kissed her forehead.

"You can go to sleep. You need your rest. Please go to sleep." He wrapped her blanket around her. She smiled and cuddled up with him. He smiled and watched her go to sleep. He was told to stay awake because the anesthesia would make her sick or make her feel sick. A couple random times throughout the night she got sick but nothing too serious. She would wake up at least 6 times an hour. Sean was given energy drinks to help him stay awake. Sean held her close. Feeling that this was all his fault. If he would've been watching the opposite side of him, she would be okay. He wished that it was him lying hurt in a hospital. He cried silently. He wanted to fix her. The test would come back this morning. Hopefully she was okay. She gripped his hand tightly, flexing her arm because she had gotten another wave of pain. He elevated her slightly. She woke up. Tears streamed down her face. She looked at him,"I'm sorry.." She mouthed. She whimpered with pain. He shook his head,

"Don't you dare be sorry for this. You didn't do anything. I'm at fault for this. I was driving and a car hit us. Nothing in that sentence says you did anything wrong. You're okay. Don't blame a reckless driver's actions on yourself. Promise?" He looked at her. She nodded crying. She held onto his hand. She squeezed hard as she felt her body shake. He shushed her. Her chest heaved as she tried to hold it in. Sean grabbed her empty container and held it up to her. She was sick 3 consecutive times, in abnormally large amounts, and then went back to sleep. Sean got out of bed and emptied her container. The doctor came in the room and called Sean outside.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Wentz. I've been looking over her x-rays and it looks like she's okay. She has a few small injuries. I'm more worried about her stomach. Looking at the test we ran on her stomach acids, the numbers were pretty low. She doesn't seem to have a weak stomach or a damaged gag reflex. We know this because we put a reed down her throat clearly touching her uvula, and she didn't flinch or gag. Her saliva had be produced more because her mouth was open. So she clearly has a very strong stomach. What worries me is that she had been given some anesthesia to numb her pain and she reacted fine. She ate food and drank water fine, But around 4:23 am she threw up most of her stomach content in only 3 pumps. I'm worried her acids are not compliant with the contents of her food. This could become a problem. Has she ever needed surgery before?" Dr. Wentz looked at him.

"No. She's never had surgery before." Sean looked at him, trying to keep his cool.

"Hm. I see. She may have just had a bad experience with the anesthesia. I would like to keep monitoring her for the rest of the day and night, and tomorrow she can come home with you. I want to give her more a different type of anesthesia called morphine. I want to monitor how her stomach reacts to the chemical. If she reacts in an ordinary way then she can go home. If she has an abnormally reaction then we will have to run further tests. She is in safe hands. For her sake, I'd prefer you stay here with her. " He shook his hand. He allowed him to go see her. 

He walked into her hospital room with a worried expression on his face. She lay with her nurse. She smiled as she saw him. He slowly walked to her. She laid her head back looking at him. She was really tired after waking up every 2 hours. 

"Okay (Y/N), we are gonna give you some breakfast. After last night, I think you can swallow pills. We're gonna give you a pill and after we give it to you, we want you to drink water frequently. This pill may make you sick, so here's this. Keep it on your lap and just let it out if it comes up. We need to keep a tally. Can you hold down food?" She handed her a small bowl. She nodded. She smiled and ordered some food. She offered Sean food but he declined. 

~After these test were done, they could see if her stomach was in line with her other organs. She had a very strong stomach, so she would most likely pass these tests. Sean worried she would have to stay more nights. 

She looked over at Sean, a smile of reinsurance. She felt fine. A little nauseous but she was okay. She held onto his hand, trying to stay awake. He let her lean on his shoulder. She giggled loudly, still loopy from her pain medications. It would be a long day. But as they say What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.~

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