~ Chapter 2 ~

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Hey everyone! Sorry for the late update.

Let's get into it.

First Person - Y/n

"Alright, enough physical contact," I said pushing them gently away.

"We all should stop worrying so much," said Mal. "Maybe they'll put Mikhael on the skiff. The volcra will take one look at that big juicy belly of his and leave us alone."

Unbidden, a memory came to me: Mal, Alina, and I, sitting side by side in a chair in the Duke's library, flipping through the pages of a leather-bound book. We'd landed on a drawing of a volcra.

It had long, filthy claws with leathery wings and rows of razor-sharp teeth for feasting on human flesh. They were blind from generations spent living and hunting in the Fold, but legend had it they could smell human blood from miles away.

I'd pointed to the page and asked, "What is it holding?"

I could still hear Mal's whisper in my ear. "I think-I think it's a foot."

We'd slammed the book shut and ran shouting out into the safety of the sunlight...

Without realizing it, I'd frozen in place, unable to shake the memory from my mind. When Mal realized what I was doing, Mal gave a great sigh and rested his hands on my shoulders, and gave me a little shake.

"I was kidding. No one's going to eat Mikhael."

"I know," I said, staring down at my hand which Alina had interlocked hers with. "You're hilarious."

"Y/n, like you, said we'll be fine," said Alina. "We're all together."

"Using my own words against me, fair."

"Y/n, you've been through hell and back to be in your position. A General doesn't become a General that easily. You've risked your life on the borders, saved hundreds of soldiers, sacrificed, going through the Fold will be easy."

"Sure, easy."

"I know you're scared. I am, too, and I'm pretty sure Mal is too. But we're going to do this, and we're going to be fine. We always are. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay," I said grudgingly, and I actually felt myself smiling back.

"Madam's spirits have been restored!" Mal shouted. "The sun can once more shine!"

"Oh, will you shut up," Alina and I replied loudly but laughing, "Come on, let's go for a walk."

The three of us left the tent and walked over towards the main road. Within seconds, there was a clatter of hooves and shouts splitting the air. I yanked Alina and Mal to the side just as a huge huge black coach roared past, scattering people before it as they ran to avoid the pounding hooves of four black horses. Beside the whip-wielding driver perched two soldiers in charcoal coats.

The Darkling. There was no mistaking his black coach or the uniform of his personal guard. Another coach, this one lacquered red, rumbled past us at a more leisurely pace.

"Thanks," said Alina, brushing the dust from her coat. "They really should have more respect for the Generals."

"The Darkling could care less about the First Army, Alina," said Mal staring angrily at the coach. "His precious Second Army is what he cares about."

A third coach rolled by, lacquered in blue, and a girl leaned out the window. She had curling black hair and wore a hat of silver fox. She scanned the watching crowd and, predictably, her eyes lingered on Mal.

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