~ Chapter 17 ~

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I think you all deserve a second update!

Let's get into it.

First Person - Y/n

I nodded, my throat dry as he led me up the steps and to the center of the stage. I heard eager buzzing from the crowd, looked out at their expectant faces. 

Since our shoulders were connected, he gave me hand a little squeeze before letting it go, and bringing his hands together. 

He slammed them and thunder boomed through the room as a wave of darkness fell over the party. He waited, letting the crowd's anticipation grow. 

The Darkling might not have liked the Grisha performing, but he certainly knew how to put on a show. Only when the room was practically vibrating with tension did he lean into me and whisper, so softly that only I could hear, "Now."

Heart beating, I extended my arm, palm up. I called the light, and it answered, allowing me to focus it in my hand. 

A bright beam of light shot out from my palm and upward, shimmering in the darkness of the ballroom. The crowd gasped, and I heard someone shout, "It's true!"

I turned my hand slightly, angling toward what I hoped was the right spot on the balcony that David had described to me earlier.

"Just make sure you aim high enough, and we'll find you," he'd said.

I knew I'd gotten it right when the beam from my palm shot out from the balcony, zigging and zagging across the room as the light bounced from one large Fabrikator-made mirror to the next forming a crisscrossed pathway of light that illuminated the room.

I closed my palm, and the beam disappeared, then in a flash I let the light bloom around me and the Darkling, illuminating us in golden outlines. 

He looked at me and held out his hand, sending black ribbons of darkness climbing through the outlines, twisting and turning. 

I grew the light wider and brighter so it turned into a sphere of light around us, feeling the pleasure of the power move through me, as he sent slivers of darkness shooting through the light, making them dance.

The crowd applauded and the Darkling murmured softly, "Now Y/n, show them what you can really do."

I grinned and did as I had been taught, throwing my arms wide and feeling my whole self open, then I slammed my hands together and a loud rumble shook the ballroom. 

Brilliant white light exploded through the crowd like a powerful wave filled with pleasing heat as the guests released a collective "Ahhhh!" and closed their eyes, raising their hands against the brightness.

I held it for a few seconds and then unclasped my hands, letting the light fade. The crowd burst into wild applause, clapping furiously and stomping their feet.

We took our bows as the orchestra began to play and the applause gave way to excited chatter. 

The Darkling pulled me to the side of the stage and whispered, "Do you hear them? See them dancing and embracing? They know now that the rumors are true, that everything is about to change."

"But aren't we giving these people false hope?" I asked a moment of uncertainty creeping into me. 

"No, Y/n. I told you that you were my answer. And you are."

"But after what happened by the lake...it was clear that I wasn't strong enough."

The Darkling's mouth quirked in the suggestion of a grin but his eyes were serious, "Did you really think I was done with you?"

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