~ Chapter 13 ~

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Let's get into it.

First Person - Y/n

"Nice outfits," said Nikolai as the War Council, Mal, Tamar, and I arrived at the front of the Grand Palace. "Are you ready?"

They had all almost killed me for doing this, but I had sent out an order that we wouldn't be wearing our full keftas. 

"Absolutely not!" yelled Zoya, "I'm not wearing peasant wear."

"It's literally what you wear under your kefta," I replied. 

"We are Grisha, they must know our status," yelled Sergei. 

After nearly an hour of arguing, we had settled on normal hunting wear, but each order of representatives wore a specialized hunting coat that mimicked their kefta, including me. The Fabrikators had been pressured by Zoya, although I told them they could say no. However, I think they were just too afraid of Zoya to say no. 

"Sure," I replied, "Are you?"

"I have no plans to hunt," said Nikolai, "I'm simply coming to be a barrier between you and Vasily so you don't accidentally kill him."

"Do you really think I would?"

"Yes, because if I had your abilities, I know I would."

I smiled at him, before he directed us to where the First Army generals and Vasily had been waiting. I saw a few familiar faces, and was about to go say hi when-

"Y/n?" said a voice and I turned in the direction of it, and saw someone.

"Sali?" I replied and she nodded. 

Sali was one of my closest friends back when I was a First Army general, and somehow always managed to blackmail me into setting her up with a hot soldier. 

She walked towards me, glancing at Vasily who was facing the direction she was in. Once he, finally turned away, she sprinted towards me and pulled me into a hug. 

"I haven't seen you in months, you psycho," said Sali as I laughed and hugged back, "Just because you become Grisha, does not mean you get to just forget all of us."

"Come on, I didn't forget you," I replied as she let go and turned to Mal. "Hey, what's up Mal?"

"Hey, Sali," said Mal, and the two of them hugged. 

"They told us you were coming on the hunt," said Sali turning back towards me, "Should've seen Surnov's reaction. He almost passed out."

"Really? Why?" I asked. 

"Come on, don't act like you don't know," said Sali, and I laughed, "He's had the biggest crush on you for years. I told him that you are engaged to Prince Lanstov, amazing choice by the way, but that doesn't stop him."

"You realize he's standing right here," I whispered to Sali and she looked to my right and saw Nikolai smiling. 

"Oh, I apologize, your highness."

"No need, I would be shocked if there weren't a hundred guys in love with Y/n," said Nikolai, and I smiled at him, "Although, they should know that she's mine."

I turned away trying to fight back the blushing, but I saw Sali smiling at me. I shook my head at her, but she just laughed. 

"Ok, let's go," I said. 

"Your wish is my command, Commander," said Sali smiling, "God, I am glad that I was alive for the day General Oreli became Commander Oreli."

"Honestly, I didn't think it was going to happen," I replied. 

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