~ Chapter 9 ~

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What's this? A double update?!

Let's get into it.

First Person - Y/n

"What happened?" I asked standing up immediately. 

"Sergei let her real name slip," answered Mal, "He seems to be taking to heights about as well as he took to caves."

"Saints, I swear I will lock him up," I groaned. 

Genya had played a key role in the Darkling's plot to depose the King. I'd tried to be patient with Sergei, but now he'd put her in danger and jeopardized my relationship with Nikolai.

He would know I lied to him, but that was the least of my worries. He may be a clever fox but he could still be as ruthless as the Darkling when he had to be.

Baghra reached out and snagged the fabric of my trousers, gesturing to Mal. 

"Who is that?" she asked.

"The captain of my guard and one of my friends."


"No, otkazat'sya."

"He sounds—"

"Y/n," Mal said. "They're coming to take her right now."

I pried Baghra's fingers away and said, "I have to go. I'll send Misha back to you."

I hurried from the room, closing the door behind me, and Mal and I raced for the stairs, taking them two at a time.

"How bad is it?" I asked as we ran. 

"They're talking about her execution, Y/n," said Mal. 

"Just when I thought Nikolai's and my relationship was taking a good turn," I groaned, "He will learn I lied to him."

"He'll understand," reasoned Mal, "He knows that you would do anything for the people you love. It's the same thing here."

"Where's Alina?" I asked. 

"I told her to stay in our room," replied Mal. "But she is armed and she knows how to get out of the building."

"Good, if this goes sideways," I stated, "We have to fight our way out."

"You really think Nikolai will let that happen?" asked Mal. 

"I hope I don't have to find out."

The sun had long since set, and the lanterns of the Spinning Wheel had been lit. Outside, I glimpsed stars emerging above the cloud bank. A group of soldiers with blue armbands had gathered by the training area and looked about two seconds from drawing their guns on Tolya and Tamar. 

I felt a surge of pride to see my Etherealki arrayed behind the twins, shielding Genya and David. Sergei was nowhere to be found. 

Probably a good thing, since I would probably kill him if he was here.

"She's here!" called Nadia when she caught sight of us. I went straight to Genya.

"The King is waiting," said one of the guards. 

Zoya snapped back, "Let him wait."

I put my arm around Genya's shoulders, leading her a little way off. She was shaking.

"Listen to me," I said, pulling her into a hug and holding her there. "No one will hurt you. Do you understand?"

"He's the King, Y/n," said Genya and I heard the terror in her voice.

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