~ Chapter 2 ~

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Let's get into it.

First Person - Y/n

The Kettle's massive doors slammed shut, and I heard the lock turn.

I looked around and tried to process what I was seeing. I had seen almost everyone in this room just moments before. Going about as they normally would.

Now, they looked beaten up.

"I'll ask you again, priest. What is this? Why are my friends in custody? Why are they bleeding?" I asked angrily.

"These are not your friends. A plot has been discovered to bring the White Cathedral down around our very ears," answered the Apparat.

"What are you talking about?"

"You saw the boy's insolence today—"

"Is that the problem? He doesn't tremble properly in your presence?"

"The issue here is treason!"

He drew a small canvas pouch from his robes and held it out. I'd seen pouches like that in the Fabrikator workshops. They were used for—

"Blasting powders," the Apparat said. "Made by this Fabrikator filth with materials gathered by your supposed friends."

"So David made blasting powders. There could be a hundred reasons for that."

"Weapons are forbidden within the White Cathedral."

"He said while harboring a mass weapon," I snapped, pointing at myself. 

"Not in your state," said the Apparat smiling.

"Powers I may not have but I still know over a hundred ways to kill you," I threatened while taking a step closer to him, "And I will gladly show you the most gruesome one if you don't let my friends go."

"Their plans were overheard. Stand forward, Tamar Kir Bataar. Speak the truth you've discovered."

Tamar bowed deeply and said, "The Grisha and the tracker planned to drug you and take you to the surface."

"I want to return to the surface," I replied simply.

"The blasting powders would have been used to ensure that no one followed," she continued, "to bring down the caverns on the Apparat and your flock."

"Hundreds of innocent people? Mal would never do that. None of them would," I replied, "And it doesn't make any sense. Just how were they supposed to drug me? I may look weak but like I said I still know over a hundred ways to kill someone."

Tamar nodded to Genya and the tea that sat beside us.

"I drink that tea myself," Genya snapped. "It isn't laced with anything."

"It is good if those who don't know don't speak," Tamar said.

There was something strange in her voice. She sounded like she was issuing a command.

"They were only waiting to stockpile enough blasting powder," said the Apparat. "Then they intended to strike, to take you aboveground and give you up to the Darkling."

"You really expect me to believe that Mal would hand me over to the Darkling?" I asked.

"He was a dupe," said Tolya quietly. "He was so desperate to free you that he became their pawn."

It finally made sense. He wasn't talking about Mal, he was talking about himself. This was part of the plan, and I had to play along.

"Plots within plots," hissed the Apparat. "You have a soft heart, and it has betrayed you."

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