~ Chapter 10 ~

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Hello, you beautiful people!

Let's get into it.

First Person - Y/n

It was a restless night. I went to bed late, and I woke early. I'd forgotten to close the curtains when I went to bed, and sunlight was streaming through the windows.

I wanted to send darkness everywhere but was afraid of someone walking in and having to explain the entire situation. I thought about getting up to close them and trying to go back to sleep, but I just didn't have the energy. 

It was a combination of curiosity, worry, and fear that had kept me tossing and turning all night. The idea of making sure people didn't find out I was a Shadow Summoner, the black kefta, training with other Grisha, all of it. 

I stretched and threw off the heavy covers and slid my feet into the little slippers set out by the bed. When I opened the door, a servant was waiting with a stack of clothing, a pair of boots, and a black kefta draped over her arm. I barely had time to thank her before she bobbed a curtsy and disappeared.

I closed the door, set the boots and clothing down on the bed, and hung the new kefta over the dressing screen.

"Should I really wear this?" I asked myself knowing that it was too late to have another kefta created anyways. 

For a while, I just looked at it. The only thing ever made for me was the General uniform, and I was happy with it. I'd never dreamed that I would wear a Grisha's kefta, let alone a Black one.

I washed my face and combed my hair. I wasn't sure when Genya would be arriving, so I didn't know if I had time for a bath. I was desperate for a glass of tea, but I didn't have the will to ring for a servant. Finally, there was nothing left for me to do.

I started fiddling with the pile of clothes on the bed before I stood up and began to put them on. They slid on like a second skin, and made me look much more presentable. The fabrics were finer and more expensive than I could have ever hoped to afford.

When I was dressed, I eyed the kefta. Was I really going to put that on? Was I willing to oust myself as an equal to the Darkling? Was I really going to be a Grisha? It didn't seem possible.

It's just a coat, I told myself.

I took a deep breath, pulled the kefta off the screen, and slipped it on. It was lighter than it looked, and like the other clothes, it fit perfectly. I stepped back to try to look at myself in the mirror above the basin. 

The kefta was a deep midnight black with golden embroidery on the cuffs and neckline, and fell right below my knees. I ran my finger over the gleaming threads, feeling a wave of anxiety, and nearly jumped when a knock sounded at the door.

"I genuinely believe I could put you in rags and you would look beautiful," said Genya when I opened the door.

"I think you've mistaken me for you," I replied. "If anyone can make rags look good, it would be the most beautiful girl in Ravka, you."

"You flatter me, Ms. Oreli."

"Just the truth, Ms...I actually don't know your last name."

"Safin, Genya Safin."

"Just the truth, Ms. Safin."

Genya laughed, and looked me up and down, "You look amazing in black."

"Do you think I should've stuck with Summoner's blue?"

"Absolutely not...black suits you, much more than blue would."

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