~ Chapter 2 ~

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Hi! So sorry about my inconsistent writing schedule, and I apologize for disappearing for so long. Life is just hectic but this book is a priority and I am working on trying to be more consistent. 

So, let's get into it.

First Person - Y/n

"Why are we on a ship," I asked as the Darkling and I stood on the deck of a ship. 

After we reunited at the building, he had led us all towards the docks and onto a ship. We were now somewhere in the True Sea. 

Although, I had no idea why. 

"You shall find out soon enough, my love," said the Darkling, "But first you must get changed."

The Darkling pointed his hand behind us and there I saw Genya standing there smiling. She ran towards me and I hugged her tightly. 

"You're ok," I whispered into Genya's ear and she nodded, "Good."

"Time to get you back into a Black Kefta," said Genya and she walked me to the bottom deck. "So, seems like you and the Darkling are picking up right where you left off."

"I still love him Genya," I replied taking off the dirty clothes I had on, "Being away from him only made that clearer."

"Tell me, did you purposely leave that trail of the pins," asked Genya. 

"Yes and no," I answered and Genya looked at me confused, "I didn't want them to find us until the Darkling had...cooled off, and didn't want till kill two people I consider family..."


"But I may have chosen certain things that would eventually lead them to us..."

"Wow, the manipulation," said Genya securing the buttons of the black kefta in place, "Maybe you are meant to be a Darkling."

"Speaking of, the Kefta looks different," I said staring at the more agile, form-fitting Kefta. 

"It's like the dress," said Genya, "It's a Darkling's Kefta, the Darkling had it specifically manufactured for you."

"Right," I said observing the features. 

"I am very excited to see your wedding dress though," said Genya suddenly and I nearly lost my balance, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, sorry, I just..."

"Didn't realize that being engaged to the Darkling meant having a wedding?"

I looked at Genya awkwardly before sitting down on the little bed next to us. I knew that we would have a wedding but I don't think I ever really understood the true gravity of it.

"Hey, the wedding isn't going to be anytime soon if you don't want it to be," said Genya, "The Darkling has made it extremely clear that the wedding planning is to start on your command. If you don't want it for another century, it's not going to happen for another century."

"However, I would prefer you get married when I am alive," added Genya and I laughed. 

"I guess I never thought that of all the people I would get married to...it would be the actual Darkling."

"It's called scoring," said Genya laughing, "And you, my beautiful beautiful Y/n, scored big time...But to be honest, so did he."

I smiled at her and stood up, and the two of us walked back up to the deck. I looked around at exactly where I was. We were on a ship, but it wasn't just Grisha. 

There were normal citizens. The ship's crew. They wore roughspun, and many were barefoot, the better to grip the ship's slippery deck. No uniforms, I noted. So they weren't military, and the ship flew no colors that I could see.

Her Balance |  Nikolai x Reader x DarklingWhere stories live. Discover now