~ Chapter 18 ~

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Let's get into it.

First Person - Y/n

"Look, I'm not going to change my mind," I said to Tamar after I had explained what Mal and I were planning. "So, it's either you protect me there or I go alone."

"Fine," said Tamar, "But I still think it's a bad idea."

"I know you do," I replied, "One more thing, Nikolai can't find out. He'll probably lock me up in the dungeon."

"You're his lover," said Tamar.

"Exactly," I replied and Tamar sighed, "There's a reason why the hunt was the last time I was outside the palace walls. Nikolai doesn't trust the public when I am there."

"He's right," stated Tamar.

"I know he is, that's why I am disguising myself," I retaliated, "We'll be fine."

"Trust her, Tamar," said Alina from the bed.

Tamar just sighed before she nodded, and left the room with Tolya. Mal was somewhere else, arranging a private coach.

"So, how are you feeling?" I asked sitting next to Alina.

"Ok," replied Alina, "It was a sudden sickness out of nowhere, and I am extremely tired and dizzy too."

"Alina, have you and Mal...you know..."

"Mal and I what Y/n?" asked Alina and I cursed her cluelessness.

"Of course, you're going to make me say it, I'm a grown woman, why is this so hard?"

"What's hard, Y/n?"

"Have the two of you had you know...sex?" I said as I brought my hands together.

Alina turned pale as if she was going to throw up again but this time she didn't reach for the embroidered bucket. She just sat there, frozen.

"I am guessing you guys have then," I continued and she nodded slowly. "Well, if you're throwing up and dizzy-"

"I can't be pregnant, Y/n," said Alina immediately, "Not in these situations. Mal and I aren't even married, and you know what they say of babies born out of wedlock. If I am, this is going to be-"

"Hey, hey, calm down," I said grabbing her hand, "I'll tell them to cancel the plan and I'll-"

"No, you go," replied Alina, "You need time to release. We'll find out after you come back."

"Alina, this is far more important-"

"Go, Y/n. I'll be fine."

I looked at her hoping she would change her mind, but she just shook her head and signaled for me to leave. I quickly gave her a hug and then walked out of her room and through a series of doors that led to a back-side exit. 

Tamar and Mal were already there.  We were all dressed as Suli fortune-tellers.

Tolya had remained behind. Even covered head to toe, his size would draw too much attention. Instead, he was going to be a distraction to Nikolai so that he couldn't notice my disappearance.

"What if someone actually wants his fortune told?" I asked, adjusting my hood as we arrived at the servants' entrance.

"Just feed him the usual drivel," said Mal. "Beautiful women, unexpected wealth. Beware of the number nine."

The servants' entrance led past a kitchen and into the house's back rooms. But as soon as we stepped inside, a man seized my arm.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" he said, giving me a shake.

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