~ Chapter 4 ~

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Let's get into it.

First Person - Y/n

The ship rode the waves at seemingly impossible speed, driven forward by Squallers and what I realized were Tidemakers. 

It got colder and colder, and I saw Mal glancing at me every now and then but I was still too afraid to talk to him. I knew what the situation looked like and that he was thinking whether I was really on their side or not. 

Eventually, Sturmhond called a halt and ordered the sails trimmed. The Squallers and Tidemakers dropped their arms and fell against each other, completely spent. Their power had left their faces glowing, their eyes alight.

The schooner slowed until it rocked gently in what suddenly seemed like an overwhelming silence.

"Keep a  watch," Sturmhond commanded, and Privyet sent a sailor up into the shrouds with a long glass. 

Sturmhond walked down the row of exhausted Etherealki, clapping Squallers and Tidemakers on the back and saying quiet words to a few of them. I saw him directing injured sailors belowdecks, where I assumed they'd be seen by a ship's surgeon or maybe a Corporalki Healer. 

Then Sturmhond strode toward me, and took out a knife. I just stared at him tired and he laughed. 

"You're not even going to flinch?" asked Sturmhond. 

"No, because if you know what is good for you, you won't stab me again," I replied confidently. 

"Damn you," said Sturmhond before handing me the knife, "Consider it an early wedding present."

I just shook my head at Sturmhond, who was laughing. He turned towards Tamar and nodded. On Tamar's orders, a group of sailors leaned over the starboard rail and unlashed a complex webbing of ropes. 

They heaved, and slowly raised the sea whip's body over the schooner's side. It thumped to the deck, still struggling weakly in the silvery confines of the net. It gave a vicious thrash, its huge teeth snapping. Everyone jumped back.

"As I understand it, you have to be the one," said Sturmhond, holding his hand out. "But careful, Y/n."

"If I didn't know better, I would say you cared for me Sturmhond," I mumbled as I raised my hands and sent light towards the creature. 

It calmed down and I saw looks of awe on all of the crew's faces. 

"You can touch it," I said to Sturmhond but he just looked at me wearily, "Is the great pirate afraid?"

"No," said Sturmhond suddenly, "Are you? Is that why you want me to touch it first?"

"No," I replied and Sturmhond raised his hand. "Same time?"

"Same time," said Sturmhond and the two of us gently touched the sea whip making a soothing sound. 

Sturmhond's hands drifted towards mines and rested on top of mine. I looked at him and he was looking back. I knew him from somewhere, I just couldn't figure out where. 

"I am sorry for the men you lost getting the creature," I whispered. 

"Just make sure it wasn't for nothing," replied Sturmhond, keeping his hand on mine, "You're hesitating...why?"

"I showed mercy to the stag and I was able to wield it," I replied, "What if killing it now takes that power away from me?"

"Either way, it won't survive," said Sturmhond and I nodded. "Here?"

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