~ Chapter 18 ~

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Warning: This chapter is ;)

Let's get into it.

First Person - Y/n

Once I had walked into the room, I shut the door aggressively taking deep breaths to push the tears away. It was at that moment that I realized which room I was in and turned to see the Darkling and Ivan standing there observing me. 

"Sorry," I mumbled, my voice cracking. 

"It's alright," answered Ivan bowing to the Darkling. "I was just leaving anyway."

I stepped out of the way, as he walked towards the door and left, seconds before I locked the door behind me. The Darkling placed the papers he was holding onto the table and walked over towards me. 

"What's wrong Y/n?" he asked. 

"When were you going to tell me that Mal and Alina were part of the squad tasked with finding the stag?" I replied keeping my tone slightly angry. 

"I was going to tell you later tonight," answered the Darkling. "I had only just found that those two were part of the squad. I didn't choose the volunteers for this task."

Whether it was anger towards Mal, or the idea that part of me didn't completely believe him, I didn't know but the next thing that happened was my arms wrapping themselves around his neck and pulling his lips towards mine. 

He didn't resist and his hands snaked around my waists, pulling our bodies just as close to each other, and leaning into the kiss. 

"Here?" he whispered. 

"Considering my emotions right now, I would do it in the stables."

He smirked and connected our lips aggressively, lifting me up so that my legs were around his hips. He turned around towards the table and my hands reached out behind me pushing whatever papers were behind me aside. My back was against the cold table, and the Darkling's lips trailed from my lips down to my neck and lingered around my chest. 

This time, when we took off each other kefta's, there was no break and the rest of the clothes came off with them. 

As the Darkling's lips reconnected with mine, half of me was concentrated on him and the touch of his lips against mine but the other was focused on where this would go. 

But the side focused on his touch won, as the Darkling lifted me up and walked me through one of the doors which led to the same chambers we had been in a few hours before. 

He laid me down on the bed slowly before climbing on top of me. 

"Tonight, you're mine," he whispered as he pinned my arms against the bed frame, "all...mine."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," I whispered back and the Darkling began to gently kiss me all over. 

He started behind my ear, slowly drifted down towards my neck, and continued to drift down until he stopped right at my thigh. He moved upwards ready to insert himself inside. 

He leaned down and asked, "Are you ready, my love?"

I made a sound of approval, and he began to thrust. He slowly sped up until the bed was shaking as if the very walls of the palace were coming down. He continued until I gave him a sign that I was close but relentlessly continued even after. 

"Scream, darling," whispered the Darkling, as I held back throat-killing screams, "everyone should know that you're mine."

And so I did. 

Her Balance |  Nikolai x Reader x DarklingWhere stories live. Discover now