~ Chapter 19 ~

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Third update of the night!

Let's get into it.

First Person - Y/n

We stayed up late into the night, talking through the logistics of the plan. David had also finished up the machine that I would hit with my powers, in case I decided to give up the power of the amplifiers.

I had tried to come up with a list of all the things that might happen. So far I had only four options.

I would lose my powers.

I would be much weaker, and not strong enough to fight.

I would be much stronger.

I would just die.

Personally, I was hoping for the third one if I made the decision to actually get rid of the amplifiers but according to David, the fourth one was the most plausible.

If I did it...it would mean my death. The impact of being stripped of the amplifiers' power and then being hit by it would apparently be too much.

It was portable, and it was sort of three open tubes connected. The two sides were where I would send light and shadow and the middle had all the amplifier pieces melded together.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Nikolai after the meeting had finished.

I looked around and realized that the meeting was done and everyone had left the room.

"Just possible scenarios about what might happen if I decided to get rid of the amplifiers," I answered, "So far I have no more powers, weaker powers, stronger powers, and death."

"That's morbid," said Nikolai sitting in the chair next to me and pulling mine close to him, "But I've learned that you are very morbid at times."

He closed the gap between us and kissed me. I sighed into the kiss, resting my forehead on his after and holding his hands.

"Nik..." I said slowly debating my next words, "When you were whatever that was...what did it feel like?"

"Well, it kind of felt like I was a spectator to myself," answered Nikolai not moving either of our positions, "I knew I was there but I couldn't physically control my body. The only times I could was when I thought of you, the shadows seemed to fall back a little and I would gain control but then they would come back and take over again."

"I'm so sorry..."

"Sunbeam, it's not your fault."

"It is, I couldn't protect you."

"Usually the guy protects the girl."

"You and I both know I wear the pants of the relationship."

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do."





"Yes...damn, you got me," said Nikolai and we laughed. "Guess the student becomes the master."

"That's one way to be your master," I whispered leaning in, "I know of another way too."

"Oh, the things you do to me, sunbeam," mumbled Nikolai as I kissed his neck.

I got up slowly and moved so that I was now sitting on Nikolai's lap. I felt his arms grab my waists and I continued to kiss his neck and behind his ear, which happened to be his sweet spot.

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