~ Chapter 14 ~

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Woo, pretty long one today. Little bit of everything. Enjoy!

Let's get into it.

First Person - Y/n

We set out to return the next day, although I made sure to avoid Vasily because his presence made me want to cut my own ears off and gouge my eyes out so I wouldn't have to see or listen to him.

He continued his anti-Grisha sentiments, although Nikolai and a majority of the generals didn't seem to support him. None said it outwardly, but instead diverted the conversation when he brought it up.

"How did we do?" asked Zoya as we arrived back at the Grand Palace.

"Honestly, you all did great," I replied, genuinely happy, "You guys fit in."

"Well, we all agree that it was actually fun," replied Zoya, "There was this one general who I would like to get to know more."

I raised my eyebrows at her and she smiled, and I realized that she had a crush on one of the generals she had met.

"No way," I said, "Zoya has a crush."

"Come on, you may think I'm a monster but I promise I'm not," said Zoya and I laughed. "Is that the first time you laughed in my presence?"

"Well, guess this trip was a good choice," I replied, "I'm warming up to you too."

Zoya just smiled before she walked off. I did hate her, but this trip had shown that regardless of what might have happened she was loyal to me and possibly a friend. I should at least try to return the favor.

All of the Grisha were like that. Even though, we didn't all spend time together, we were all somewhat closer. They all finally understood another side to me, and trusted me more.

Which meant I needed to trust them, and I had to tell them exactly what we were up against. No more hiding it.

I lingered around giving everyone time to rest and freshen up but once I was sure they were all done, I headed to the war room and called for a meeting.

It was about an hour until everyone arrived and when they had, a thought struck me.

Any one of them could be a spy for the Darkling, the King, the Apparat. Any one of them could be looking for the chance to get me out of the way and assume power.

But I did trust them all. The hunt had done that and I knew, more so I hoped, that they trust me as well.

Tolya and Tamar stood outside, just a shout away in case of trouble, but Alina and Mal sat at my right.

Sergei sat to Mal's right, his arms crossed sullenly over his chest. He wasn't happy to be sitting next to otkazat'sya guards, and he was even less pleased that I'd insisted on seating a Fabrikator, Pajam directly to my left, in what was considered a position of honor.

David sat further down at the table. Then there was Fedyor, and Zoya beside him. Across from Zoya sat Pavel.

I started the meeting by discussing the numbers of Grisha at the various outposts around Ravka and those who might be in hiding. Zoya suggested sending messengers to spread the news of my return and offer full and free pardon to those who swore their allegiance to the Eclipse Summoner.

We spent close to an hour debating the terms and wording of the pardon. I knew I would have to take it to get the King's approval, and I wanted to step carefully.

Finally, we agreed on "loyalty to the Ravkan throne and Army."

No one seemed happy with it, so I was pretty sure we'd gotten it right. However, there was still one more issue. It was Fedyor who raised the issue of the Apparat, and I sighed.

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