~ Chapter 12 ~

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Let's get into it.

First Person - Y/n

When I woke up, memories of the previous night flashed through my head. I was getting turned on just from the memory of it.

"Imagining me, are you?" asked Nikolai as his hands lingered around my thigh.

His hands were teasing me and I just gave him an annoyed look. Nikolai smiled as he got above me while both of us were under the comforters.

He kissed my thigh and then my stomach, chest, and then finally my lips.

"I love you," whispered Nikolai in between kisses, "I love you so much, Y/n."

"I love you too, Nik," I stated as I started kissing him harder.

"You should wear lingerie more often," said Nikolai in between our kisses and I laughed.

"Maybe," I replied.

"So, what are today's plans?" asked Nikolai.

"Right now...my only concern...is this."

I continued to kiss him harder and I turned him over so he was on his back and I was sitting on top of him.

"Saints you're beautiful," said Nikolai and I smiled before I kissed him again. "Let's just-just...stay in."

"Of course..."

I saw Nikolai harden and I smiled at him. Smirking, I slowly elevated myself and sat on top of him.

"Oh my god-" whispered Nikolai as I moaned at the same time.

I slowly started to move up and down and Nikolai started thrusting a bit. Both of us moaned almost in unison and I leaned down as Nikolai kissed my neck.

"Nik..." I moaned as he grabbed my waist and started thrusting faster.

Soon the bed was shaking and our moans were so loud that anyone could probably hear us but I didn't care. He kept thrusting until he felt his climax but he didn't slow down until I reached mine.

"Damn," whispered Nik as I slowly fell beside him, "Morning rounds are definitely my favorite."

"Of course they are...wanna go again?"

"You do know I'm human right and not a saint," said Nikolai and I shrugged, "The hell am I saying? Yes, again again again-"

He was interrupted by a door and then a familiar voice.

"Y/n, you ready?" asked Mal from outside the door.

"Literal cockblocker," snapped Nikolai and I laughed while getting off the bed.

"Don't worry," I whispered, "We'll finish this tonight...or if your lucky, maybe sometime today."

"In the el-"

"We're not doing it in the elevator."

"Fine but can't we just stay in?"

"As much as I would love that, I do actually have something to do," I told him and he looked at me intrigued, "I doubt you would want to hear it especially since we're in bed naked."

"D word?" asked Nikolai and I laughed that the Darkling was now the D-word.


"Fantastic," said Nikolai.

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