~ Chapter 4 ~

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Hello, everyone! 

Hope you're having a great day!

Let's get into it.

First Person - Y/n

I woke at the sound of someone yelling orders. 

"SOMEONE TEND TO THE GENERAL!" screamed someone in the distance. 

I could feel the rush of air on my skin, and I opened my eyes to see what looked like dark clouds of smoke. 

I was on my back, on the deck of the skiff. It took me only a moment to realize that the clouds were getting thinner, giving way to dark wisps and, between them, a bright autumn sun. 

I closed my eyes again, feeling relief wash over me. We're on our way out of the Fold, I thought. Somehow, we made it through. Or had we? Memories of the volcra attack flooded back to me in a frightening rush. Where were Alina and Mal?

I tried to sit up and a wave of pain shot through my body and head. I ignored it and pushed myself up. I found myself looking down a rifle barrel.

"Get that thing away from me," I snapped, batting it aside. "I am your General."

The soldier cowered slightly as he leaned closer to look at my face, and then swung his rifle back onto his back. 

"So sorry, General," said the soldier, "but I have orders to keep you where you are."

I stared at him, stunned, and asked "Whose orders-"

"She's awake!" he shouted over his shoulder before I could finish. He was joined by two more armed soldiers, the captain of the skiff, and a Corporalnik. 

With a thrum of confusion and slight panic, I saw that the cuffs of her red kefta were embroidered in black. What did a Heartrender want with me?

I looked around. A Squaller still stood by the mast, arms raised, driving us forward on a strong wind, a single soldier by his side. The deck was slick with blood in places. My stomach twisted as I remembered the horror of the battle. A Corporalki Healer was tending to the wounded. 

Where was Mal? Alina?

"Where are Malyen Oretsev and Alina Starkov?" I asked ignoring the questions about where my injuries were. "He's a tracker and she's a cartographer, they were in the front of the Skiff with me."

There were soldiers and Grisha standing by the railings, bloodied, singed, and considerably fewer in number than when we had set out. They were all watching me warily. With growing fear, I realized that the soldiers and the Corporalnik were actually guarding me. Like a prisoner.

"Look, if you want me to break out the words, it's an order, I will, but just tell me where they are."

The captain said, "They are alive, General. They were taken with the others to heal their injuries."

Another wave of relief washed over me, and I sighed as another soldier came over and said, "Get the Suli up."

"Have some respect," snapped the Corporalnik that was guarding me, "she's a General, YOUR General."

The soldier nodded before apologizing and walking away as the Captain instructed everyone to lower their rifles but keep them ready.

"If you could stand up, General," asked the captain, and not wanting to fight I stood up. 

As soon as I got to my feet, I winced at the pain in my shoulder, then stumbled as the skiff started to move again, pulled forward by the drydock workers on land. 

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