~ Chapter 23 ~

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Last chapter of the book.

Let's get into it!

First Person - Y/n

The night passed in the blink of an eye and soon I was standing in my room getting ready for the wedding.

There were millions of people at the palace, seated inside, outside, anywhere around the palace.

Hundreds of boats were on the ocean near us too, all waiting for this. Nikolai had made the decision to have our coronation at the same time, where we would get married and then be coronated.

Two birds, one stone.

"Stop forgetting to breathe," said Genya as she fixed my dress.

"Easier said than done, Genya," I replied.

"And calm your heart down while you're at it," snapped Tamar.

"That's your job," I snapped back and she sighed. "No, I mean seriously, please lower it."

She nodded once and she brought her hands together and then out but then she froze suddenly. A smile erupted on her face and I stared at her confused.

"What?" asked Nadia and Alina.

"Spit it out," snapped Zoya.

"Answer, Tamar, as my bridesmaid, you are not supposed to induce stress."

"You said calm your heart down," repeated Tamar, "Which one?"

"What do you mean which one?" I asked as Genya and Alina gasped, Nadia cheered and Zoya laughed. "I only have one-no way..."

I looked down at my stomach and then at Tamar before she started nodding aggressively.

"Three hearts in total which means-"

"Twins will bring balance," I said remembering the fortune teller's words from long ago. "One shadow, one sun, dear god..."

"Who the hell was that fortune teller?" asked Zoya, "Emerald wealth, twins...she was right about it all."

"A Saint probably," said Nadia before I started pacing again, "And she's back at it."

"I can pace, Nadia, I'm pregnant!" I yelled and she smiled, "Holy saints, I'm pregnant. That stupid bastard."

"Who?" asked Alina.

"Nikolai!" I snapped, "He jinxed it."

"It makes sense though," said Zoya, "You've been glowing more than normal and you were moody when we went to Fjerda."

"Listen, let's deal with one thing at a time," said Nadia, "First wedding and coronation."

I nodded and once I was finished getting ready, I was led out to the main palace gardens. It was the largest and most accessible area for people to see.

I could see from where I was standing behind the doors of the aisle that there were thousands on the hills, on the balconies, on the ocean.

"Nervous?" asked a gentle voice and I saw Mal walk towards me.

"Not for this," I replied, "What comes after however..."

"Do you mean your coronation or your future motherhood?"

"How do you-"

"Alina," said Mal and I smiled.

"I am terrified, Mal. Grisha Commander I can deal with. Queen I can deal with sort of. But mother..."

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