~ Chapter 12 ~

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As promised!

Let's get into it.

First Person - Y/n

"Get up!!" yelled Genya's voice in my ear, as the covers on my bed were stripped away. 

"Saints Genya!" I yelled back trying to grab the covers. "Why are we up so early?"

"Early?! Your late!" 

I shot up in my bed looking around. The sun wasn't even up yet, and I just glared at Genya who was smiling. 

"I'm late, am I?"

"The Darkling has so graciously requested your presence," said Genya smirking. 

"Why are you smiling?"

"Come on, black kefta, little chit-chats after dinner, morning chit-chats, I think something's going on."

"Just a certain Tailor being very irritating."

"Well, this Tailor needs to get you ready so up!!"

She yanked my arm pulling me out of bed, and towards the bathtub. I had tried to resist but Genya kept yelling and I had no choice but to go fast. Once I was finished, she dressed me in a lighter version of my Kefta, which wasn't as thick as the one I would wear for training. 

"It's sort of like a casual Kefta," answered Genya as I observed it, "more breathable but still rifle proof and knife proof after the little Fjerdan issue."

"Great," I replied as she pushed me towards the door, "where do I even go?"

"The Darkling's Chambers," said Genya with a wink. "He told me to tell you that there's a back door if you keep right until you see the bird statue, and then take a left."

I walked out of the room following Genya's instructions and managed to find the back door a few minutes later. I knocked and there so was no answer. 

"Hello?" I called out but once again there was no response. 

I was about to turn away when I heard a few voices from down the hall, and considering where I was and how I looked I didn't really have a choice. I opened the door and quickly walked into the room and down a short hallway before emerging into the Darkling's chambers. 

It was beautifully dark, and there was a large bed with black comforters and white pillows leaned up against the board. There was white linen draped over the top of it, the world outside dark from the windows. 

"Wow," I mumbled turning around to see the Darkling in front of me bare-chested. His body was perfect as if sculpted from stone and it took me a few seconds before my senses kicked in and I turned around. "I'm sorry."

"It's quite alright," replied the Darkling from behind me and I could see his figure come into the corner of my vision grabbing something. 

"So...um, you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, I did-you can turn back around, Y/n," said the Darkling, and I did slowly. He was in a lighter version of his usual black kefta. "I must say black really suits you, I'm glad you chose it."

I nodded not knowing what to say, and he continued, "Well, I was wondering whether or not you wanted to train with me?"

"Train with you?"

"Yes, I remember you telling me that you trained yourself in shadow summoning, and well the palace isn't awake yet. There's a field down by a nearby stream...if you would like to come."

"Does this include just powers, or do you mean training-training as in fighting?"

"I have learned to incorporate fighting into my abilities, and I believe you have spent your life making sure to separate your abilities from fighting. I think it's time we changed that."

Her Balance |  Nikolai x Reader x DarklingWhere stories live. Discover now