~ Chapter 15 ~

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This is one of my own idea chapters. So...yeah.

Let's get into it.

First Person - Y/n

"Let the preparations...begin!" yelled the woman in charge, whose name we learned was Sarina, as Nikolai and I sat down. 

"Dear saints," I whispered and Nikolai nodded. 

"Dear saints indeed, sunbeam," whispered Nikolai back and interlocked our hands. 

The women in charge pulled out what seemed like hundreds of different boards, all gathered all across the room each with a different word on top. 

Guest List

Possible Dates



and dozens more. 

"Do we really have to decide all of this...today?" I asked emphasizing the last word, "We understand that this is a crucial matter but we have a country to protect-"

"This country needs a rallying point, moi soverenyi," said Sarina. "A Royal wedding, especially one of pure love between two extremely different people...that's exactly what the people need."

I smiled and turned to Nikolai who was in fact smiling back. We hadn't even confirmed the marriage, and neither of us knew if this was even going to happen, but I couldn't ignore that feeling of wanting to stay. 

"Well said, Sarina," I replied, "But please, 15 hours, can we just do one-third of it? And finish the other parts on other days."

"Of course, moi soverenyi-"

"Oh, and please call me Y/n," I said immediately, "If you're planning my wedding, we should at least have a certain comfort with each other."

She smiled and Nikolai said a different version of what I said after.

"Of course, moi-Y/n and Nikolai, the first thing we must decide is the venue," said Sarina. "The Queen has given me orders that you are not restricted to the Grand Palace. We have a variety of options."

She pointed at a giant map of Ravka and all surrounding countries. 

"We have a beautiful plantation in Caryeva," said Sarina, "It's loaded and fit for the stature of a Royal wedding. 

"We also have a magnificent hill in Sikursk," continued Sarina pointing at a different part of the map, "It has beautiful architecture, and is fit for grand entrances and an outdoor wedding, should you wish to do so."

"What about some oceanfront options, Sarina?" asked Nikolai, and I wasn't exactly surprised. "Islands, beaches..."

"Well, moi tsa-apologies, Nikolai, all oceanfront options are blocked off by the Fold," said Sarina and I sighed. 

I had hoped the wedding plans wouldn't bring in the dire situation we were in but I was wrong. 

"Well, this wedding isn't going to happen for some time, Sarina," replied Nikolai, and I looked at him, trying to understand where he was going with this, "And by time, I mean time, in which the Shadow Fold could essentially come down-"

"Nikolai," I warned but he didn't seem to care. 

"So, I would like you to give us some oceanfront options as well," said Nikolai, and I continued to glare at the side of his face. 

Sarina looked shocked, and the rest of her team did as well. Hopes of the Shadow Fold coming down had escaped Ravka, but recently were refueled into the country and its people because of me. 

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