~ Chapter 20 ~

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Long overdue but I can't believe this book is almost over!

Let's get into it!!

First Person - Y/n

It wouldn't be safe to approach Kribirsk on this side of the Fold, so we'd decided to enter from West Ravka, and that meant dealing with the logistics of a crossing.

Nikolai was an expert in this and he had taken over.

"We don't have enough Summoning power to keep the Bittern aloft with the number of passengers we have," said Nikolai, "So, Tolya will escort the Soldat Eclipsia to the eastern shore of the Fold and wait for us there."

"That's a full day on horseback," added Mal, "So, the rest of us will have time to enter West Ravka and locate a suitable base camp."

"Then we will back to unite with the others," I said taking a deep breath, "And then we're in the Fold together."

"Sounds like a plan," said Nikolai.

We boarded the Bittern, and mere hours later, we were speeding toward the strange black fog of the Shadow Fold.

Once again that feeling, those visions of the stag and Rusalye attacking me returned. I pushed them down, and focused as we heard volcra coming towards us.

However, they disappeared as the ship sped up. Nadia and Zoya were pushing wind faster than they had ever before until we were out of it and had landed about a mile away from the Fold in an abandoned farm.

"Why did you rush us out?" I asked as they collapsed to the ground.

"So, you wouldn't have to hurt any volcra," said Zoya still breathing heavily, "We know about your mother...with the chance, she's in there, we didn't want to put you in a position where you had to hurt them."

"Who told you?"

"That fiance of yours," said Nadia as I helped her and Zoya up, "He told us beforehand, and kind of bribed us with infinite dresses, jewelry, and more."

I smiled and looked back at Nikolai who was helping Mal start the setup.

"He's definitely in love," mumbled Zoya, "Guess there goes my chance."

"Zoya, first of all, you are into girls," said Nadia, and Zoya nodded, "second, your chance was gone the moment Y/n was born because those two were destined to be together."

They continued to bicker as I left and went to observe the farm.

It was called Tomikyana, the name written across the side of the cannery and the barn full of cider presses. Its orchards were thick with fruit that would never be harvested.

The owner's house was lavish, a perfect little cake of a building, lovingly maintained, and topped with a white cupola.

I felt almost guilty as Harshaw broke a window and climbed inside to unlock the doors.

"New money," sniffed Zoya as we made our way through the overdecorated rooms, each shelf, and mantel brimming with porcelain figurines and curios.

Genya picked up a ceramic pig and said, "Vile."

"I like it here," protested Adrik. "It's nice."

"Maybe taste will come with age," said Zoya.

"I'm only a few years younger than you."

"Then maybe you're just doomed to be tacky."

The furniture had been covered with sheets. Misha yanked one free and ran from room to room trailing it behind him like a cape. Most of the cupboards had been emptied, but Harshaw found a tin of sardines that he opened and shared with Oncat.

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