~ Chapter 9 ~

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I haven't given you all a double update in a long, LONG time, so here you all go, my loves.

Let's get into it!

First Person - Y/n

The crowds of pilgrims grew and thus became harder to control. Nikolai had used this as an excuse and forced both of us back into the coach. Some days Mal and Alina accompanied me, while Nikolai rode outside, but usually, they were guarding the vehicle with Tolya and Tamar.

I had become more open to discussing the third amplifier and our plan against the Darkling with him. He didn't recognize the stone arch in the illustration either. But that didn't stop Nikolai from speculating endlessly on possible places to start hunting the firebird or questioning me about the Darkling's new power.

"Grisha can only use and alter what already exists," I stated, "True creation is a different kind of power. Baghra called it 'the making at the heart of the world.'"

"And you think that's what the Darkling is after?" asked Nikolai.

"Maybe. We all have limits, and when we push them, we get tired. But in the long term, using our power makes us stronger. It's different when the Darkling calls the nichevo'ya. I think it costs him," I continued, "The power isn't feeding him. It's feeding on him."

"Well, that explains it," Nikolai said and I knew his mind was already swarmed with possibilities.

"Explains what?"

"That we're still alive, that my father is still sitting the throne. If the Darkling could just raise a shadow army, he'd have marched on us already. This is good," he said decisively. "It buys us time."

"How much?" I replied. "You know what we're up against. Time may not be enough."

"Os Alta is heavily fortified. It's close to the base at Poliznaya and most important, it's far from both the northern and southern borders."

"Will it be enough?"

"The Darkling's range is limited. When we disabled his ship, he wasn't able to send the nichevo'ya to pursue us. That means he'll have to enter Ravka with his monsters."

"The mountains to the east are impassable, and he can't cross the Fold without me, so he'll have to come at us from Fjerda or Shu Han. Which means-"

"We'll have plenty of warning," finished Nikolai smiling, "Wow, finishing each other's sentences. Definitely King and Queen material."

"Speaking of King and Queen, will they stay?" I asked.

"If my father left the capital, it would be as good as handing the country over to the Darkling now. Besides, I don't know that he's strong enough to travel."

"He hasn't recovered?" I asked, feeling guilty that one of my friends was responsible.

"They've kept the worst of it from the gossips, but no, he hasn't, and I doubt he will," said Nikolai, before he crossed his arms and cocked his head to the side. "Your friend is quite a poisoner. Being a tailor."

I didn't say anything.

"And I doubt she used poison," continued Nikolai before he stopped, "What is it?"

"Nothing," I replied, wondering whether Nikolai really knew the type of man his father was. I despised him, but I couldn't show that now.

"You hate him, don't you?" asked Nikolai. "And you don't really blame your friend for what she did."


"You can tell me the truth, Y/n."

"I do hate him," I said quietly, "I always will, and yes, I don't blame Genya for what she did because Nikolai, there are some things that I know that you don't...But at the end of the day, he is your father and I can learn to respect that."

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