chapter 1

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Anaya's POV

I woke up to someone giggling as they played with my hair. I slowly peered my eyes open to see my baby girl smiling down at me.

"Good Morning sweetheart," I said as I kissed her cheeks 

" Morning mama" she replied smiling 

"Are you ready for your first day at school?" I asked as I got up from my bed 

"Yes," she beamed happily as she hopped off my bed. She may be only four years old but she is pretty smart for her age. I taught her at a young age since it was just me and her.

If you're wondering who I am, my name's Anaya Malhotra. I'm 22 and I'm a single mother. My daughter is Alia Angela Giovanni.

Yes, I know you're wondering why she has a different last name, well that's because it's her father's name. He broke up with me in high school and I have never seen him since, he also changed his number so I had no way to contact him. Little did I know I was pregnant. I was happy even though this wasn't the way I had expected to find out I was pregnant, but at the same time, I was scared. Scared of not knowing what's going to happen in the future.

    After I told my parents about the pregnancy they didn't want anything to do with me so they kicked me out. I stayed at Neha's place for a while who's my best friend and started working multiple jobs so I could rent an apartment for us to live in. I was only eighteen at the time but in the end, it worked out.

Even though he may not have been there for her I still wanted her to carry a piece of her father's identity. So here I am today getting my baby ready for her first day of preschool.

"Baby hurry up and come downstairs for your breakfast we need to leave soon" I yell as I Continued to make breakfast

I heard the sound of small footsteps running from upstairs and I saw my princess who came downstairs in a red floral dress.

" You look, beautiful sweetheart," I said as I planted a kiss on her forehead and placed a plate with pancakes and some strawberries in front of her. I made sure to cut up the pancakes so it would be easier for her to eat.

"Thank you mama" she replied with a smile 

"Ok do you have everything you need? " I asked and she nodded 

I made sure to check her bag just to make sure she has everything. I grabbed her snacks which were mostly fruits and placed them in a separate bag before we left.

"Ok let's go, sweetheart," I said as I grabbed my bag. 

"I'll pick you up after school finishes ok, remember if a stranger tries to talk to you, ignore them and find a teacher and you tell them ok? " I said worriedly wondering if she's going to be fine.

"Ok mama," she said and we walked into school. 

I gave her a quick peck on the cheeks and watched her walk into her classroom

I'm meeting up with my best friend Neha today. She told me she had something important to tell me so I drove to our favorite cafe shop that we always spend our high school days at. I ordered my drink and waited for a while. Whenever she says she has anything important to tell you, just know it's either good or bad. I'm hoping it's not the latter.

"Hey bitch" a voice chipped from behind me which almost made me jump out of my seat

" You scared the shit out of me," I said as my hand clutched my chest

" You need to stop being so scared easily," she said as she laughed maniacally. 

"You better stop laughing before we get kicked out of here because your starting to sound like a hyena that is on fire, now  tell me what's so important that you wanted to talk about so badly and please tell me it's good, " 

"Girl you have no idea how much I wished I wouldn't have to tell you this but I rather tell you now hat to let you find out on your own," she mumbled 

" I was speaking to an old friend and guess what they told me"

"Ummm that they're happily married with 4 kids," I said 

"Ha as if they would get married let alone 4 kids," she said chuckling 

"It's about Ace," she said quietly.

I felt as if everything slowed down just at the mention of his name. The first thing that popped up in my head was to ask if he was ok or how is he doing I wanted to see him but part of me knew after what he did I'll never forgive him 

"He's been in prison for 2 years now," she said quietly

"Well that's was expected considering what he does for a living," I mumbled 

"He was recently moved to a prison in Brooklyn," she said

"Anaya, it's been years, don't you think he deserves to know he has a child," 

"Do you think if I tell him that he'll be the perfect father for Alia? Would he stick around, would he be the father she always wanted, would he buy her toys and dolls for her, give her chocolates and cuddles when she's down? Do you think he'll be able to do that? If he left me so easily what makes you think he wouldn't leave when he finds out he has a daughter " I silently shouted as tears pooled in my eyes.

"Whatever happened to you two? what did he do to make you hate him this much?" she said quietly

The image of him leaving me crying alone flashed before my eyes. I looked up to meet Neha's piercing brown eyes staring right at me

"He broke me," I muttered, letting the tears run freely down my cheeks.


For those who just started the book I've recently started writing the rewritten version of this book. Read the A/N in the new book to understand.

You can each any of the books in whatever order you like since both would be different. The Rewritten version would be much more in depth and well written.

Do check out the Rewritten version as well.❤️❤️


Hi guys this is my first book. I hoped you guys liked it😊. I would really appreciate you guys leaving a vote. It would mean the world to me. I'm sorry about the grammar mistakes🥰😘


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