Chapter 41

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It's five in the morning. The place is packed with my men getting ready to attack at dawn. I got the best shooters, commandos, and fighters ready. A lot of blood is going to be shed tonight.

I made my way towards the kitchen to make some coffee since I desperately needed it.
Leo is sitting at the dining table on his computer trying to find Mateo's location.
"You got anything," I asked as I grabbed a mug from the cabinet

"Not yet, I think they must have hired a professional to block out their location from any database," he said as he kept typing away

"Keep on trying," I said before walking away from the kitchen with my coffee. 

I made my way towards my office and began looking through some files.

I'm trying to find out if every one of the men that we were working with on the girl's case were working with Mateo and the motherfuckers were.

No wonder we took so long to find those girls. It's a good thing I've always hated Williams cause the lord knows he is going to get a painful death especially for shooting naya.

Time skip

It was dawn already and we still haven't found out Mateo's location.
My plan is crumbling and I'm going crazy. I'm pacing back and forth in my office slowly losing patience waiting for Mateo's location.
I heard the sound of my office door being kicked open. I looked to see it was Al and Leo. They were breathing heavily as if they ran here. They stood at the door staring at me without saying anything.

"Fucking say something," I said frustrated. Leo's lips curved into a smirk before spoke

"We got the location" he grinned as he looked at me. A wave of relief washed over me knowing it's go time.

"Fuck yes" I shouted as I pulled him in for a kiss on his cheek

"We need to go now," I said as I ran out of the office. 

They both looked shocked at my action but I could care less I'm going to fucking kill these bastards.

"D-did he just kissed me?" I heard Leo asked Al, still shocked but by now I was already out of the door.
I was now in the living room yelling at everyone to get their weapons ready.

I gather my guns, placing two of them by my waist and a rifle around my shoulder. I grabbed my knives and lifted the bottom of my pants a little and strapped it on. 
Everyone gathered their weapons and carried the rest into the car.

Leo, Al, and I are talking about one car and the rest of them are behind me.
We slowly made our way towards a dark alley before stopping. 
"Just through that alley is an abandoned building on the right," Leo said

"I'm sure he has guards surrounding the place so we need to stop here," he said. I nodded and made my way out of the car. I motion for the rest of the men to get ready.

I got my gun ready and we started to move. Al and Leo were behind me as we walked through the alley quietly ready to shoot at anyone who comes in our way.
We saw guards patrolling in front of the building as if they knew we would come for them.
I signaled at them before taking our position to aim.

In the split of three seconds, all twelve men were on the ground with a bullet in their head.

We quickly made our way towards the entrance shooting whoever we saw. 

By now everyone was shooting someone. If Mateo didn't know we are here he surely does now.

I signaled everyone to split up. Al and I took the stairs going our different ways after. I made my way to the elevator but it wasn't working so I had to take the stairs.
Al separated from me so it was just me walking down a creepy hallway. Damn this is a major deja vu.

As I continued to walk through the hall I heard whispers coming from the door. Someone is trying to sneak up on me but I don't think It will work.
I stood at the door waiting for them to attack but they didn't. I'm one hundred percent sure they know I'm near so I tried walking in front of the door to see if they'll make their move and they did.

They came pouring out like rain. "10 against 1 that isn't fair," I said with sarcasm as I rolled my eyes

An older dude on the ground first attacked me by punching me in the face causing me to fall back on the ground. I quickly grabbed my rifle and a bullet found its way into his chest.

The other guy grabbed my rifle not before punching me to the ground. Two move dudes hit me in the head with the back of the gun causing me to feel dizzy.

They start aiming for my chest then my arms. Just as a blond guy was about to connect his first with my face I grabbed his arm.

Not today bitch, not today. I quickly spun his arms around his back causing him to yelp in pain before I pushed him onto the floor.

Another guy was aiming towards me with his gun. I grabbed hold of one of his men and pulled the knife from the side of my foot and placed it under his neck pressing it deeper as he moved in front of me. The guy holds back his fire and the rest of them freeze in their spot since I'm holding one of his partners in front of me.

I noticed some of the men were starting to get up from the floor so I quickly slid the knife across the man's neck before shoving him into his partner who was holding the gun.

I grabbed my gun and aimed it at them pulling the trigger several times shooting the bullets through their chest.

I watched as they all fell to the floor clutching onto their wounds as they cried out in pain while their blood kept pouring out rapidly. 
I smiled seeing them in pain, hearing their cries, it was like music to my ears.
I picked up my empty gun and reloaded it before leaving the scene of bloody men.

I turned around to leave before I heard the clicking of a gun. As soon as I turned back I felt something went straight into me.
Before I could process what was happening I heard the sound of another shot being let off. 

He missed this time. His hands were trembling from the pain he was going through. A sudden anger rose in me as I pulled out my gun and aimed it towards his head pulling the trigger immediately.

"Fucking ass" I muttered as I looked down at the wound on my lower abdomen. 

I gently touched the area hissing at the pain.

"Great, now fighting with a bullet in me is going to be so much harder," I muttered to myself in annoyance.


Hey lovelies how are you doing? Another chapter for you😊. Don't forget to vote and leave feedback. Enjoy the chapter. We're almost finished😊


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