Chapter 45

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Al pov


     It's been hours and we have been worried about Ace. He hasn't come home since he left the building and in the condition he is in I'm worried about him. He was barely able to walk and he wanted to go drive out into the wilderness.

   "I have a bad feeling something is going to happen, Al," Leo says as he looks at me from the couch. 

   We promised him we weren't going to follow him and we didn't.

   God knows where he is. I just hope he is safe.

    After he had left, we left a couple of minutes after and headed back to the mansion.

  "Don't say that everything is going to be alright, Ace is going to be alright" I said worriedly but tried not to show it. 

     He needs to be. We already lost Anaya and lia. We can't lose him too. We can't live with another family.

     We sat on the couch and waited a few more hours for his return. The house was filled with silence. The only that was heard was the loud chattering of the rain against the roof. The cold night didn't help to ease the uneasy feeling, it just made it worse. Even the men and guard felt uneasy and I did too but I can't let that feeling control me. He is going to be ok. He's Ace.

   A few more hours had passed. It was now. It was now three in the morning and Axe hadn't returned. Leo was freaking out, pacing up and down in the living room.

   "I knew he shouldn't have left to go alone. Something bad must have happened. How can you be so calm and I'm here freaking the fuck out?" Leo rants in frustration.

    "Leo I'm worried and I'm trying my best to stay calm. And yes we shouldn't have let him go alone. We need to go look for him" I said as I stood up.

    "Ok then we go now," Leo says as he gets ready to head to the door.

    I motioned to some of the men to follow us as we made our way out.

      The rain has been falling all night and hasn't stopped.

   We ran to the car and got in quickly. "Where do we check first?" I asked Leo

    "Let's go somewhere where there aren't too many people. I know he wouldn't want to be surrounded by a lot of people, '' Leo says and I responded with a nod and turned the engine on.

   We drove around the busy streets looking but there was no sign of him. I had the men spit up looking into different parts and streets looking.

     "Where did he go?" Leo asked him himself as he buried his face in his hands. We had spent an hour roaming the streets finding nothing.

    "Think Al think," I told myself as I began to think. Where would he go?

    Where would I go if I was in his shoes? Where would I go if I was in that much pain he's in? Where would I go after killing my rival?

    That's when it clicked.

  "I think I may know where he is," I said looking at Leo with a bit of relief in my voice.

   "Then let's go," he says with a smile.

  I hope he is there and safe.

   We began heading to the cemetery where Lia and Anaya were buried. The rain wasn't pouring as hard as it was earlier and it was still falling.

      As we got closer I spotted the car Ace took when he left. It sat at the side of the road. 

     "There is his car," I said as I pointed at the car.

    A small smile made it onto my face knowing we found him. We parked our car and rushed out towards him. There were blood trails on the road leading into the cemetery. He went to see them.

      We rushed into the cemetery and headed to where Lia and Anaya were buried. The rain dripped down our faces as we ran through it.

    My eyes gaped at the man in between their gravestones lying lifelessly in the rain. I felt the life in my body drain. My feet instantly became weak and I collapsed. 

     Leo stood there staring at him with tears in his eyes. The hurt in his eyes betrayed him.

       We stood fifty feet away from him. I felt as if someone was playing with my heart.

       I can't be this week. I can't let Leo see me like this. I got up from the ground and quickly wiped my tears. Leo still stood in his spot letting the tears fall.

     I made my way towards him and embraced him, letting him cry into my shoulder as he held onto me.

     I didn't know how to console him. I didn't know how to handle this situation so I let him cry. 

        "We need to see him," I said quietly hoping he heard. He lifts his head wiping his tears and nods. His nose was red and his eyes were puffy from crying.

  We slowly made our way towards him. There he laid with his eyes closed and a slight smile on his face. He knew he wasn't going to make it out alive. We didn't even get to say goodbye.

      He looked so peaceful sleeping. His blood stained the grass around him as the rain washes it off. 

   I watched as Leo collapsed next to him crying. He gently places his hand over Ace's hands as he cries.

       I looked away trying to hide the tears that were forming in my eyes. Leo never does well when it comes to emotional pain.

     I quickly whipped to tears and looked at Ace.

    "You left without saying goodbye you ass," I said trying not to cry.

   My voice betrayed me and cracked in between. The pain was too overwhelming to the point where I couldn't keep it in anymore.

    It let the tears fall silently as I looked at him.

    "We're going to miss you" I cried as I looked at his lifeless body next to me 



    Hiiiiii😊 DOUBLE UPDATE!!😁😁 so are you enjoying it so far. Don't forget to vote and comment. It helps motivate me to keep writing. Sorry about my grammar mistakes.



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