Chapter 24

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Ace's pov

We left the warehouse a couple of hours after the incident. I haven't seen Al since we got home. 

Some officers along with naya assisted us in getting to our rooms.

Her tear stain face stole away her beauty. Her chocolate brown eyes still shimmered from the light in the room. 

I watched her as she assisted me in getting me to my room while the officers took Leo to his room.

She guided me towards the bed and told me to take a seat. She then walked into the bathroom and came out with a first aid kit.

She examined my bruises for a while before she finally spoke. 

"You should take a shower first before I start to dress to your wounds," she said quietly as she tumbles into the first aid kit to find the right ointments.

I managed to get up from the bed and head into the bathroom. 

I was getting ready to enter the shower but then realized I needed to find out where's Al. At this point I'm tired and I just want to get some sleep but I'm not one of those people who leave their friends behind if they're in danger.

After a couple of minutes of talking with Al, I found out he was at the hospital with the little girl to make sure she's alright.


    He may look like a cold-hearted ass on the outside but on the inside, he is a big baby who wants to be cuddled and loved.

        After my shower, I wrapped my towel around my waist and exited out of the bathroom.

    Naya was now laying on the bed staring at the ceiling. She seems to do this a lot.


      I quietly made my way to the closet to get my clothes. I grabbed my sweatpants with my t-shirt and my boxers. 


        She was so deep in her thoughts she didn't even know I was in the room.

     By now I had already put my clothes on. I had my t-shirt in my hands. I walked up to her and gently tapped her leg.

    She looked at me startled but slowly made her way off the bed.

  "How long have you been standing here," she asked more as I whisper

      "Not too long," I said with a smile and sat on the bed

     She made her way towards the first aid and took out some ointments along with some band-aids. My bruises were not that serious but she seems pretty sure that they are.

    My eyes glanced over the band-aids to see that they were the ones with the princesses on them.
      I quickly stepped back while she looked at me confused.

      "You are not putting those on me," I said with a dissatisfied look
    She continues to look at me confused so I pointed to the band-aids. A soft chuckle escapes her mouth as she looked to see what I was talking about.

     "These are the only ones I could find. Now stop being a baby and let me finish what I was doing" she said with a smile.
    A smile made its way to my face knowing I made her smile.
   I sat down and let her complete what she was doing.

     "Which one do you want?" She asked as she showed me the different Disney princesses.
     I looked down at them with a disgusted look not wanting to choose any. I glanced at her to see her waiting for me to chose one.
     I quickly chose the one in the yellow dress and handed it to her.

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