Chapter 8

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          I felt as if I was melting at his gaze. My feet wouldn't move to walk towards his table. We just kept staring at each other, neither of us breaking eye contact. 

         I finally broke eye contact when I notice the place was quiet everyone stopped what they were doing and was looking at us

     I  made my way towards his table. I noticed Leo was next to him along with Al. I stood in front of him and then took a seat I was now facing opposite him.

        Neither of us talked for two minutes. He looked at Leo and Al and signaled them to leave. It was just us two.

          "Who the fuck is she and why is she here?" a blonde said  

       "No ever visits ace so who is she," an old dude said he was around 40

         "Are you going to talk or are you just going to sit there and stare at me?" he said the first time in 4 years. His voice get deeper. It was music to my ears. As much as I hated him part of me never stopped loving him 

            "You have a daughter," I said quietly wondering if he heard me 

      "Excuse me," he asked startled about what I just said 

    "You have a daughter Ace"i said a bit louder this time

                 "Her name is Alia Angela Giovanni"

      "That's not possible naya there is no way I'm a father and I never knew about it," he said still shocked and angry at the fact he never knew about  lia.

 "well maybe if you wouldn't have left you would have known you had a daughter" i said boldly

         "She was kidnapped couple night ago by Mateo along with 5 other girls. He knows you have a daughter but he doesn't know what she looks like maybe that's why he kidnapped those other little girls"

        " I'm tired of waiting for the police to find her. Its been days now and i haven't heard anything about her. You're the only one that can help me"

     " I already lost Neha because of him I cannot lose lia too," I said tears already forming at the corners of my eyes at the thought of neha and losing lia

        "Wait what do you mean you lost neha," Leo said I thought he left 

      "We were at the club. I didn't realize he owned the club until later when I remember Ace telling me about Mateo. He knew who I was and when we were leaving he tried to run us off the road and we got into an accident. An old man pulled me out of the car but before he could return to save her..." I paused for a moment to let the tears flow " the car went up in flames" I said with tears streaming down my face

     "When I got home lia was gone" I sobbed quietly 

         Leo was trembling with anger at this point

        "Fine, I'll help," Ace said as he looked at me. Something changed in him but i couldn't tell what it was. I could feel the anger radiating off of him 

           A couple of officers entered the cafeteria along with the handsome officer from earlier I need to find out his name

           "Ace we have some rules if you're going to help with this investigation," the handsome officer said

            "I prefer you shut up and listen to me," ace said angrily

       "This investigation has to go by my rules otherwise it will take you days to find those girls and I'm not going to let my daughter sit in fear wondering if she's going to die or not," Ace said as he stood up from his seat. I sat there with shock, he never met lia yet he's willing to fight for his daught

      The officer was angry at this point but ace didn't give a fuck nor did I.

           "Listen Mr. Giovanni this is my investigation you go by my rules when I say so," the handsome officer said as he stood up to reach ace's height 

        " Listen here you asshole, you know nothing about the mafia so don't play you do. Being in the mafia isn't a little boys game. If you do not wish to cooperate and not let me in this investigation I will still get those girls out of there with your help or not" this time as stood above him since he was around 6'3 

       You could see the fear in his eyes as he backed away

     "Fine you lead if anything goes wrong it's on you," the officer said

   Hey, guys don't forget to vote and leave a comment. Hope you enjoy this chapter 🥰😘


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